They Dragged Me To Disneyland

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I startled awake because there was a knock on the door. It was only eight in the morning. I sat up and looked around. The sun has lightened my whole apartment, and I love it. The knocking then turned into banging, “Open up!” A voice said. I was still gathering my soul, so my brain has not fully function yet. I groaned and rolled of bed,

            “In a minute!” I replied. I grabbed the pillow and blanket, throwing it into the closet, and then folded the bed. I know, I can be organized sometimes. The banging continued and it was starting to get on my nerves, “Alright, alright!” I scowled and stomped towards the door. I unlocked the door and yanked it open. “Are you serious? This early? Why?” I dropped my shoulders and slumped.

            “Well, good morning to you too!” It was Pontius; he was the one who was banging on the door.

            “I think someone got a good night sleep!” Cubbie chuckled,

            “And I thought you and Cubbie were really at a pub.” Mark sighed disappointingly and got a smack in the back from both Cubbie and Pontius.

            “You idiots!” Isom teased Mark and Pontius,

            “You’re still heavy sleeper Ally!” Sean stepped forward and put an arm around me. I gestured him to lean closer,

“Torpedo...” I whispered right on his ear, and he flinched. Cubbie coughed, oh right, don’t tell anyone.

            “Will you stop? Cranky…” He mumbled with clenched jaws, and I just sympathetically patted his shoulder.

            “But seriously, why are you guys here?” I faced them,

            “Well, we want to take you somewhere.” Pontius said excitedly,

            “This early?” I pouted and they all chorused ‘yes’. I sighed and let them inside. They all sat at the sofa bed, it fits the five of them surprisingly.

            “Well, don’t just stand there!” Mark said, “Go get ready!”

            “Mark, I just woke up. I’m in the process of collecting my soul.” I softly said, rubbing my eyes. He shook his head and giggled,

            “I’m sorry.” He said, still giggling. I rolled my eyes at him and went to the fridge.

            “Nice place you got here!” Isom said,

            “It’s not much.” I replied, with my head inside the fridge, “But thanks.”

            “So, you unpacked all these things yourself? I thought you just moved in the day before our gig.” Sean asked,

            “No, uncle Ben and Josh helped. Well, they actually do most of it.” I scanned up and down the fridge, I was hungry okay!

            “You have an uncle?”

            “Sean… Dude…” Isom said, tired of this specific behavior of his. “Again, another stupid question.”

            “I was just wondering!” He said defensively,

            “They live here?” Cubbie asked,

            “No, San Diego.” I replied. I settled on a doughnut, I just remembered I got a few when I just moved in. I picked one and put it in my mouth. “So…” I closed the fridge, “Where are you guys taking- I mean, kidnap me now?” I glanced at Sean and Isom; they were both snickering because I used ‘kidnap’, weirdoes.

The Foster Kid (Part 2) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now