A Trip To The Diner

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It was around ten at night, five hours after Cubbie told the guys. I couldn’t really concentrate watching television when my stomach was begging for food. I just remembered that I haven’t eaten anything today, except a cup of coffee and a chocolate bar. I stumbled to the kitchen, opening everything and found nothing interesting. So I slipped on a pair of jeans and grabbed a hoodie. I passed this diner when I was walking back home in the middle of the night, so I’ve decided to give that a try. I’d take Andy with me, but I just remembered that he’s not here, bummer. I slipped out of the door and started to make my way to the diner.

       The little bell on the door rang when I entered. I looked around and barely saw a signs of life. Only a sleepy waitress and a guy with a suit in the corner, with a cup of coffee. I settled in the other corner and slipped into the seat. The waitress plastered a forced smile and shuffled towards me, “Hello, do you want anything?”

       “I’ll just have a milkshake, thanks.” And I said I was hungry, what the hell brain? The milkshake came a few minutes later. As I was drinking, I was staring blankly outside the window. I was thinking about tomorrow. How will it turn out to be? Will it be harder or easier than I taught?

       Ariel texted me, she said that she couldn’t sleep. I just realized that New York is three hours ahead, so it was around one. I asked her what was bothering her and she said that she just couldn’t sleep. I remembered what Cubbie said, that you wouldn’t be able to sleep soundly when something’s bothering you. So I made her spill it. She said that she just misses home, and I said that there will always be someone that we miss. She didn’t reply afterwards, I think she fell asleep.

            Someone slid inside the seat across me harshly, causing the table to shake a little. I startled and quickly looked up, “Are you alone?” He asked, smirking.

            “No, I’m with my pet dinosaur.” I replied, rolling my eyes. He laughed sarcastically, “Why are you here? If I may ask.”

            “Don’t know.” He shrugged. Okay, the guy was Cubbie. “You?”

            “Just bored.” I replied, playing with my straw.

            “Kid, I’d like you to meet someone.” He said, waving his hand in the air as if beckoning someone behind me. I turned around and saw a beautiful brunette walking towards us, Rebecca. Cubbie patted the seat next to him, Rebecca glanced at we smiled at each other as she sits. “She’s the kid I talked about.” He told her and pointed at me. It took her a while to study me, and then she finally said,

            “Wow Ally, you look different.” Whatever that means,


            “I’ve only seen you in a picture that Jacob showed me.” She explained, “He said you were only fourteen in that picture.”

            “Which picture did he show you?” I asked,

            “The one when you were surfing with Jacob. You two looked so cute!” I nervously smiled, “How old are you now?”


            “It’s been four years?” She asked in surprise, “You haven’t seen each other in four years?” Cubbie and I nodded.

            “We fished her in our last concert.” Cubbie said, “And then kidnapped her.” I kicked Cubbie under the table and he flinched a little,

            “Jacob has told me so much of what you did.”

            “He did?” I snuck a glare at Cubbie, “What did he told you?”

The Foster Kid (Part 2) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now