The News

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The first few months were even more boring than staring at a brick wall. I didn’t have that much to do, but time still seems to fly by quickly. I still can’t believe that it has already been months. I mean, I still feel like yesterday was the day that we arrived in London. I can’t explain that much, because I basically do almost the same thing everyday. Andy still makes me study with him; he said that he wants my brain to be ‘used’ as often as possible. Call me a nerd, but it’s actually not a bad idea. I kind of enjoyed listening to him read his notes out loud, but we ended up talking about some other things instead.

I think Riley and Andy are now dating, but they don’t want to admit it. Well, I assume they are… Riley and I grew closer ever since we moved to London. She’d come over to our flat and just hang out, teases Andy for no reason, watch movies, be lazy, you name it. I remember when Andy taught her how to play paralyze the mosquito. I mean, that was a bad night for Riley, she had jam all over her face.

One day, I entered my flat and I was literary tackled by Andy. I was crushed to against the door and my forearm was so close to colliding with the doorknob, “What was that for?” I smacked Andy on his chest,

“You might want to sit down, kid…” His smile faded and turned into a serious expression,

“What did I do?” I took a step backwards, “Whatever it is, I didn’t do it!”

“No, you didn’t do anything.” Andy rolled his eyes,

“Oh.” I said, “Then what is it?” He took my wrist and pulled me onto the couch, “Did you win a lottery or something?” Andy just shook his head like a kid and smiled, “I’m guessing it’s more than that…” I mumbled,

“It’s not about me.” He flopped next to me,

“Then what is it?” I was getting impatient, “I don’t have all day!”

“Alright, alright.” He stood up and took an envelope from the table, “Knock yourself out!” He handed me the envelope. It was formal looking, and I couldn’t tell where or who it was from.

“What’s this?”

“Open it!” He pointed at the envelope, “Go on, it’s not going to explode or anything!” I nodded and slowly opened the flap,

“Let me guess…” I started before pulling the letter out, “You’ve opened it?”

“Maybe…” He shrugged, as if he didn’t know. I kind of like it when he does that, it’s usually good news when he has his silly smirk on his face.

“Nosy bastard...” I mumbled and earned a smack on the arm,

“Just open it, will you?” He sounded offended,

“I’m sorry okay!” I grunted while pulling the envelope out. The first thing I saw at the top left corner was the university logo that I enrolled in. I put the letter down and looked at Andy. My heart started to speed up and getting louder.

“It gets better!” He tapped the letter. Blood starts to rush into my head and my hopes were becoming high. I’m not supposed to get my hopes too high, but this was an exception, “You might want to read that out loud… Mom’s on the phone!” He held his phone with mom on the line next to my face,

“Andy, what’s wrong?” I heard mom said,

“Ally got a letter, you should hear what it said!”

“Alright…” I heard mom said and I can feel her smiling. I read the paper a hundred times to make sure in my mind. I couldn’t believe it, it actually happened. I actually did it, I made it. I felt like my heart was about to explode.

“Is this a prank?” I blurted,

“No.” Andy said honestly, “Come on, say it!”

“Honey, what’s wrong?” Mom questioned,

“M-mom…” I stuttered, “I… Uh… I got… I got… A scholarship… I… I d-did it…” I managed to say, and mom was silent for a moment.

“If I was there, I would give you a hug…” My mom forced a chuckle, “I’m so proud of you! You actually did it!”

“I told you to wait and see!” Andy pointed accusingly like a kid,

“I can’t say more… I’m just so proud of you…” My mom mumbled, “Oh, I’m really sorry but I gotta go. Love you!” She hung up before anyone answered. I got used to it.

“Andy…” I managed to say, it’s still sinking in. “I made it…”

“You did, kid.” He nudged me and smiled warmly, “I’ve never been so proud.”

“A scholarship…” I muttered. I think I owe Mark a little, because he made me promise that I’d ask myself the question he came up with. It has helped me a lot.

“Yes.” He chuckled, “You actually did it…”

“What did I do to deserve this?”

“You deserve this. You studied your eyeballs out like you promised, can’t you believe that?” I shook my head in disbelief and I wasn’t able to say a word. I was feeling too much, it started to frustrate and confuse me. I was happy and proud, but I was also scared and worried. I was over thinking and being weirdly emotional at that moment, and I think Andy understood. He wrapped his arm around me and lets me bury my face on his chest. He then held on to his forearm with his free hand, so he’s now basically wrapping them around me. “Everything will be okay…” He whispered. I really like it when he says that when I’m feeling down, it really helps.

“W-will it?” I squinted my eyes shut, trying to hold the tears back,

“No doubt!” He tightened his grip, “You’ll be okay!”

“You promise?”

“I promise. Slap me if I’m wrong!” He chuckled,

“Life is scary, the future is scary…”

“God, don’t be such a pessimist! Don’t listen to those things!”

“But you don’t know what will happen to you…”

“And that’s what makes life worth something to look forward to!” He said, a little frustrated with my pessimistic behavior. “Look at what you have achieved! A freaking scholarship! A. Scholarship… You. Got. A. Scholarship. You’re a smart kid, you’ll manage!”

“Will I?” I sat up straight, making him let go. He smiled as if everything will positively be okay and pinched my cheek,


“What if something went wrong?”

“Like what? What can go wrong?” He said, slightly annoyed.

“What if… What if… I get lost?”

“You ask for directions, silly!” He slapped his forehead with his palm,

“What if I was offered drugs?” Andy didn’t answer, he just looked at me. That sarcastic-mocking stare is how he got me to spill out the truth when I was younger. It’s not scary, it’s barely threatening, but still. “I’m kidding!”

“I trust you.” He said with disappointment,

“I’m sorry! I was kidding!” I shook him in the knee, “But seriously…” I became serious, “I’m scared… A little…”

“There’s nothing to be scared of.” I didn’t answer, “Toughen up! I won’t be there as often.”


“Because you’re all grown up, remember? I know it sucks, but you can’t stop growing up. You will be there for yourself. I’ll try if anything goes wrong, alright?”

“Should I go?”

“Yes, you can’t miss this!”

“Are you getting rid of me?”

“Pretty much!” He shrugged as if he didn’t care and smiled, “Don’t worry, I’ll miss you!” He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead,

“Can you believe this?” I asked and he just shook his head, “Me too… It’s still sinking in…”

The Foster Kid (Part 2) (Foster The People Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now