Raph x reader- Little Do You Know- Songfic

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Bolded italics are song lyrics
Song- Little Do You Know
Artist- Alex and Sierra

Your POV

Little do you know,
How I'm breaking
While you fall asleep,

You laid in a pool of your own tears that were now soaked into your pillow. The sun shone through the small crack in your blinds and lit up your red and puffy eyes. A knock at your door made you turn and see your mom opening the door with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk, a sympathetic smile in her face.

"Here you go hun," she said softly as she set down the plate on the table beside your bed. You gave a small smile and sat up, the blankets falling around you as your cocoon of warmth dispersed.

Little do you know
I'm still haunted
By the memories,

As you looked at the plate of cookies, a memory of you and Raph making cookies down in the lair as a birthday present for Mikey popped into your head, making you upset all over again. You remembered when you coughed as Raph threw a small handful of flour into your face and then laughed at his expression when you got some in his mouth, Leo laughing along with you when he saw Raph covered in white powder.

Little do you know
I'm trying to pick myself up
Piece, by piece,
Little do you know I,
Need a little more time.

You got up and looked in a mirror at your ratty appearance. "Time to get your act together girl," you told yourself.

Underneath it all,
I'm held captive
By the hole inside,

You brushed your hair and put on some light makeup, leaving out the eyeliner and mascara. You looked at your appearance in the mirror and gave a small smile. "Progress," you told yourself.

I was holding back
For the fear that you
Might change your mind

You went downstairs and grabbed some real food, an apple and granola bar and laughed when your mom gave you a big hug.

"I'm so proud of you my sweet angel," she said as she brushed back some of your hair. You smiled and grabbed your keys and bag and waved goodbye as you headed out the door. Just because you were mad at Raph, doesn't mean you had to punish the others, who you treasured as your closest friends.

Especially Leo. Raph didn't like it much, but you were closest with Leo because of his calm and soothing energy. Him and you both geeked out over Space Heroes, and he gave great advice.

I'm ready to forgive you
But forgetting is
A harder fight
Little do you know I
Need a little more time,

You arrived quickly at the manhole cover, pizza boxes in hand, and went into the sewers.

I'll wait. I'll wait
I love you like you've never felt the pain.
I'll wait.
I promise you don't have to be afraid. I'll wait.
Love is here and here to stay
So lay your head on me.

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