My Fault~W.M

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Reader is Wanda and Pietro little sister and blames herself for his death

T.W: Pills and suicide self harm

It had been 2 months after the battle of Ultron. It's like everybody had already forgotten what happened as everyone was acting normal. But you remember every detail of How Pietro died right in your arms. And that's something you can't forget

You tried so hard to heal him but you couldn't. All you wanted was your brother back. Pietro was always there for you. He always took care of you since you were kids in an orphanage. He always told you stories of your parents since you never got those nice times with them. You don't remember them as you were a baby when that explosion happened.

You barely even saw Wanda but by the looks of it her and Vision are really hitting it off. Tony acted like you father figure and spoiled you a lot but you still felt empty inside.

You stole some pills you found in his lab. You did feel guilty for stealing as Wanda always taught you it was bad but every time you took those pills you felt like all your problems were gone.

You stopped worrying about everything and it felt amazing so you started taking them a lot. You had also started self harming. You know it's a bad thing but you liked how the pain felt. You deserved it anyway for letting your brother die.

You were in the middle of doing homework when you heard someone come into your room. When you looked up you saw Wanda.

"Hey Wan Wan '' was a nickname you always called her since you were a kid. "N/n me and Vision are going to watch some sitcoms, wanna join?" You could see her pleading eyes. You could tell she wanted to catch up as you guys haven't talked in a while.

"Sorry Wanda I still have homework to do" "okay what about after you're finished." "Maybe next time I'm tired" You could see the sadness in her eyes. You could also tell she was trying to read your mind but you always blocked her out before she could.

"Okay kiddo you're always welcome to join if you change your mind" she said as she left the room. Once she left you broke down and all the flashbacks of Pietro hit you again.

"I can't do this anymore" You whispered to yourself  as you grabbed the blade. A bunch of thoughts came into your head. Everything will be fine without you Wanda has Vision anyway she'll be fine plus your just a problem.

Wanda Pov:

I walked back to my room. I could tell something was up with Y/n. When I walked into my room I saw Vision sitting on my bed waiting for me. "So I'm assuming she said no" "I don't know what to do. Vision I miss the bond I had with her."

"You need to give her space Wanda although Y/n has been acting suspicious" "what do you mean?"

"I mean the oversized hoodies, she zones out a lot, and at times I could hear her crying. I believe Y/n has depression. I went into her room the other day to talk to her and I saw some blades sitting on her nightstand and they had some blood but she quickly moved them and left before I questioned her."

"Vision, why didn't you tell me!" I quickly got up and ran towards Y/n room. I tried getting in but her door was locked so I knocked frantically. "Y/n open this door right now" I didn't hear anything, just silence. "Y/n please" I still didn't hear any movement so I blasted the door down.

What I saw shocked me. My baby sister was lying on the ground blood everywhere. "No no NO not you too stay with me kid. BRUCE TONY ANYONE HELP" I heard running and saw the whole team standing at the door shocked. "No no" I heard Tony say as he quickly ran towards Y/n's body.

"She's still breathing. Somebody get her to Cho HURRY!" Steve picked up Y/n and ran towards the infirmary.

"What the hell happened?" Cho questioned. "S-she tried to kill herself" I whispered. "Shit put her on the table Bruce get the stuff ready." Everyone started running around frantically. Nat and Vision came up to me and tried getting me out of the room

"No I have to stay here with her" "Wanda you have to let them do their job come on let's go wait outside" nat said to me. "It's my fault I should have noticed" I kept repeating in my head.

I cried into Nat's shoulder as we waited for any news on Y/n.

After a few hours cho came out "okay she's okay and awake but just don't pressure her. Only 1 person at a time"

"I'll go" I quickly volunteered Cho nodded her head and led me to the room. "Don't go hard on her Wanda, just be calm." Cho told me I nodded my head and went into the room to see my sister.

When I came in she was sitting down watching a sitcom and eating some pudding. It hurt me to see her like this. When she saw me she broke down. "Wanda I-I'm sorry I just felt so fucking alone please don't be mad" I quickly went up to her and hugged her "hey hey it's okay little one I'm here now"

She quickly relaxed "please just hold me" she whispered. I got into the bed and she quickly cuddled into my side. I rubbed her back "I'm sorry I couldn't save him Wanda I really did try" "hey it's not your fault you're just a kid you should living a normal life"

"Could you sing to me please like mama used to sing to you and Pietro?" she asked me "Of course little one anything for you" I started singing some lullabies and stopped when I heard some snores when I looked I saw Y/n peacefully asleep.

I brought her closer to me and fell asleep with her in my arms not wanting to let go.

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