Anorexia~Wandanat x reader

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Tw: Purging, mentions of bullying, anorexia pls skip this imagine if any of this disturbs you

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Tw: Purging, mentions of bullying, anorexia pls skip this imagine if any of this disturbs you

Before I start off I just want to say anorexia is not a joke. Neither is bullying and judging someone about there weight or how they look. You have no idea what they are going through and how much comments like this hurts them so just don't make them

You weren't an avenger like everyone in this compound. You were simply a regular civilian but growing up your family always made fun of your weight and you got bullied at school.

Wanda and Nat were currently on a 3 day mission so it was only you and Yelena here by yourselves(I had to add her because I'm in love with her and she's just one of my comfort characters now)

You always pushed yourself. You spent a lot of time in the gym and constantly counted the calories of your food and made sure to write it down in a notebook you had hidden in your drawer. You stuck to a 200 calorie diet. You knew it wasn't enough and the body needed way more than that but you didn't care.

When you looked into the mirror you noticed you were finally losing weight for the first time you felt happy. Of course Yelena noticed what was going on. She noticed how you overworked yourself in the gym to a point she had to force you to take a break. She noticed how you stared at your food for a while and barely ate anything. You always said it was because your stomach was hurting but she never believed she knew about your past I mean everyone in the compound knew

She decided to try to make your favorite food today. She spent hours of watching videos and almost burning down the compound to learn

She saw you in the gym like always and ran to you. "Come come I made your favorite" she grabbed your arm and brought you to the kitchen when you saw the food you got worried but smiled at Yelena you already ate a apple and some crackers you didn't want to go over your limit

"Wow Lena it all looks good" she immediately sat you down and served you a huge plate. "Eat eat please tell me if it's good" she looked so excited you didn't want to hurt her so you forced yourself to eat it. You wanted to throw it up so bad but you didn't

"It's really good Yelena" she smiled at you happy you ate it. "Tell me if you want more cause there's a lot left" She waited for you to eat first then started eating after

You got halfway through the plate when you excused yourself "I really need to use the bathroom I'll be right back" you said and quickly walked out the room

You went into the restroom and cried looking in the mirror. 'Worthless, Fat, Pig' those were the things that they called you

You had gone over your limit. You quickly shoved your fingers in the back of your throat gagging at the feeling. You whimpered as you began to throw up all the food you had just ate

You heard someone bust the door down of the bathroom and hold up your hair. After you were finished they pulled you into a tight hug

"How long?" It was Yelena "About 2 weeks" you answered her you expected her to judge but she didn't she said nothing and just hugged you. She cursed herself for not noticing sooner.
"Y/n you have to tell them or I'll tell them" You knew she was talking about Wanda and Nat "No please I'll tell them eventually" Yelena just nodded and continued to comfort you. "This is dangerous I don't want to see you in the gym anymore" you just nodded and hugged her

"The team have arrived" you heard Friday say shit you forgot Wanda and Nat were coming back today. You quickly fixed your hair and washed your mouth and quickly made your way to the team

Yelena just watched you sadly as you hugged Wanda and Nat having a fake smile on your face

Wanda and Nat of course noticed the weight lost. They looked at each other worried but thought nothing of it "How have you been baby?" Nat questioned you. "Amazing It was boring without you two though"

You caught up with the team noticing Yelena's gaze not leaving you

You Wanda and Nat went to your room to have a movie night together and get away from everyone

It was going great until the conversation came up

"We were talking and we just thought we were ready to do it but we just wanted to make sure you were okay and ready with it" Wanda spoke

"What do you mean by that?" "We want to do it" Nat smirked you were still confused "We're talking about sex baby we want to have sex" Wanda blurted out noticing you were struggling to figure out what they said

You froze thoughts in your head. 'What if they judge me' 'They're going to break up with me' "Babe you okay" Nat touched your hand which made you flinch a little. "Y-yeah I'm fine I'll be right back" you quickly left the room and went to the roof to get fresh air

You knew this conversation was going to come up but you didn't think it would be happening tonight

When you got there you immediately started crying. You hated yourself for being so insecure. The memories of you crying in the mirror looking at your body disgusted because of something a classmate said. Your parents always commenting about your weight. You would always laugh it off but the truth was it hurt

You were sitting on the edge of the roof. You loved coming up here to look at the stars. It always calmed you. You just stayed there gazing at the stars getting lost in your thoughts

You don't know how long you were out there but you felt someone hug you from behind. It scared you a little. "Baby we're sorry we didn't notice" it was Wanda

"What are you talking about?" You questioned her now, hugging her back. "You don't need to play dumb Yelena told us. We spent an hour looking for you" Now Nat said. At that point you broke down crying

Wanda and Nat hugged you tightly. You sobbed into Nats shoulder while Wanda rubbed your back. "I-I'm sorry I'm so sorry" "Hey look at us love" You looked at Wanda and Nat "We're going to help you we promise" "Don't make a promise you can't keep you'll eventually get sick of me and my problems" you whispered. "We're not going to break that promise we're going to help you no matter how long it takes"

You started getting tired. You haven't slept properly since Wanda and Nat left. They noticed Nat carried you back to the room

They held you tight that night. Angry not at you but at themselves for not noticing. They made sure to take it slow. They would take care of you when you were having one of those days shower you with compliments and with the help of the team you got better. It was still hard at times but you fought through it with the help of Wanda and Nat. You started going to therapy with Bucky

Wanda Maximoff and Elizabeth Olsen One Shots and Imagines (Request open) Where stories live. Discover now