Vent adventures

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A/n: I was literally half asleep when I made this and was to lazy to check to make sure if it made sense so don't be surprised if it's bad.

You knew Wanda was doing something. She hasn't been paying attention to you at all, she's been hiding things and she's missed 3 of your weekly movie marathons.

This is why you were up in the vent. She said she was going to hang out with Vision in the living room. It took you a while to find your way around the vent considering how huge it is. It was also weirdly really clean. Tony doesn't play about his vents.

"Hang out with Vision my ass" you mumbled as you saw Wanda talking to Nat. "Hey Y/n" you heard from behind startling you. You jumped hitting your head on the ceiling. "Fuck fuck fuck ow ow ow" you mumbled rubbing your head wanting to scream but knowing you can't.

"Clint shut up" you quickly looked through the crack again sighing in relief seeing Wanda still talking to Nat.

"What are you doing?" He whispered. "Wanda has been acting weird. She's not affectionate with me anymore and she doesn't wait for me to wake up and she doesn't join me in the shower. It's like I'm not even here. I just want one dam hug" Clint smirked realizing. "Oh your lonely" he mumbled.

"Look at that smirk Nat has on her face. That's the 'I'm flirting because I know I'll pull them because I'm hot' look" Clint shoved you aside to get a view. Now you two were cramped together. "Oh your right it is that look. Hey but Wanda would never cheat on you kid" he tried soothing your thoughts. It of course was not working.

You guys spent another hour there just watching them. Yeah it sounded creepy but you needed go know if Wanda was cheating or not.

That's when movement happened. Wanda got in front of Nat and pulled at a little box. "Clint, Clint" you whispered. "I know I know" he whispered back.

You saw Wanda get down on one knee. "WHAT THE FUCK" Clint yelled. That's when it happened. It collapsed. You landed with a harsh thud on the coffee table that split in half, while Clint landed straight onto your stomach. "FUCK" you groaned curling into a fetus position as Clint quickly stood up.

"Y/n holy fuck are you okay Draga?" Wanda was quickly at your side. You were wheezing for air. "Really Clint you pulled Y/n into your vent adventures" Nat said going onto your other side.

"No, she was already there. Dam tenth time this week. I really need to lose weight" he said to himself. Was he really getting that fat?

"Also why the hell were you about to propose to Nat?" "You were watching us!?" Wanda said shocked. "No wonder it smelled like cow shit" Nat smirked helping you stand. "Shut up, and don't change the subject"

Wanda sighed as she helped you to the medical room, leaving Clint and Nat to argue. It was silent between you two as Bruce patched you up but Wanda held your hand the entire time.

"Are you cheating on me?" You asked her as you laid on your bed. She had left to get snacks for a movie marathon. She looked at you shocked. "What? I would never, why are you asking that?" You sighed. "You haven't been paying attention to me. Then I saw the way Nat looked at you. You guys were flirting" the insecurities were starting to show as you started tearing up.

"I mean I get why you would want Nat more than me but why didn't you just break up with me? I would have understood" "No, don't say that. I love you so fucking much. Nat is just a sister to me" Wanda sighed wiping a tear from your eye.

"She was helping me out with something, something really important" "What do you mean?" Wanda grabbed your hand and led you to the roof.

Once you got up there she pulled you into a kiss. When she pulled away she got onto one knee and pulled out the box you had seen her pull out with Nat.

"Y/n I love you, I first met you on this roof when I came up here and saw you throwing water balloons off the roof and thought you were a villain so I attacked you which I'm still sorry about by the way" you laughed still remembering that day. Wanda might have broke your ribs but she took you on a date to make up for it.

"You have always been there for me no matter what, I never thought anyone would love me because of my powers but you proved me wrong. So Y/n M/N L/N will you marry me?"

You looked at her shocked, before squealing and tackling her. "Yes" you said kissing her. She smiled as you pulled away and put the ring on your finger.

"Fucking finally" Nat muttered making you both jump. "I thought I was going to have to take that ring and propose to her myself Maximoff" Wanda rolled her eyes. "Do you like the ring? If you don't like it I'll buy you another one" "Wanda I love it. You didn't even have to get me a ring. I would have took a ring pop" "told you. You spent 2 months panicking over what ring to get for no reason" Nat spoke up again.

She smirked as she walked up to you and pulled you into a right hug. "I'm happy for you two, I feel like a proud sister" "we love you Natty" "Well I'll have Tony rent out your favorite restaurant so we can celebrate"

Wanda Maximoff and Elizabeth Olsen One Shots and Imagines (Request open) Where stories live. Discover now