Agreed to Fake the official

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"Adeline Rose Parker", Zoe, my manger said. "You tell me what the hell is going on right now"

"Calm down Zoe", I whispered on the phone. "I am in a cab right now"

"What are you doing in a taxi?", Zoe raged on the other side of the phone. "You made it on headlines of the HBuzz, you and the blonde guy crashed the internet, you kissed in public, you are the cover page hot stuff of more than 60 local magazines and internet websites. Next thing I know that you are pregnant with eight babies"

"Eww. Oh my god. That was not even funny. Thanks for the yuck image", I gawked. "Calm down Zoe. You guys can come to--Luke? Whwre are we going?"

"We are heading to the Titanium Borzac building straight from the I8 Showroom", Luke said while reading it from the cellphone. "Titanium Borzac"

"We are heading to Titanium Borbac or something", I said.

"Bor-zac", Luke corrected.

"Okay. I'll be there in fifteen with Nick, fred and people", She said while taking a deep breath.

"See? Calm down", I said.

"Manager?", Luke asked. I did not even realise he said something to me. While he said to me, his eye hand cordination while playing flappy bird was more acute.

"You said something?", I questioned.

"You are going deaf woman. Maybe because of your own voice. You shout a lot", He said. "Dang it. I was so near my high score"

I tried not to look offended. Yes, I tried. I even tried not to hit him with my heals or pinch his ears. Luke really did know how to piss people off.

After we reached, Luke generously paid the taxi driver and we went inside the building. It was a commercial building and Luke's management office was on the seventeeth floor.

"Who is your best friend?", I asked. Luke pretended to think while taping his pointer finger.

"Sometimes I think its Michael..", He trailled off.

"But?", I asked.

"But then its Calum..", He pointed out.

"And?", I questioned.

"And then its Ash", He said, sounding a little dissapointed.

"Dang it hemmings you are such a whore", I said and he chuckled while scatching the back of his head.

"Only for cool people", He added. And my jaw hit the floor.

"What? I am only kidding", He said.

As we reached the floor, I followed him around. The lobby was amazing. Marble finished, quartz vases, wallpapers everything

As I entered the directors room, a lot of voice could be heard.

"Leave me and my hair alone, you hairless turtle head", I heard some one.

"That must be Michael", Luke chuckled and blushed in embarassment. Aww. I am starting to ship muke.

"Hi?", I said. And all heads snapped towards us.

"You look more prettier than you do in those magazine photos", Ashton said.

"Are you saying that those pictures are ugly?", I tried my best angry face and looked offended. The expression on his face -- Holy Cow.

"No.. I didnt mean that..I uh shit this is si embarassing..", He giggled and covered his face. Luke was right. We did have matching giggles.

"chill pilll Ashley", I smirked. "I was just kidding"

"You scared me", Ashton said and we both laughed. To be honest, this man did not even realise I called him Ashley. Okay.

"If you two are done flirting we could actually meet Emma", Luke rolled his eyes.

"Luke you don't have to be jealous. You have me", Michael said and gave Luke a hug while Luke pretended to wipe fake tears.

"So dramatic", I said while Calum said "So romantic"

"Jinx", We said again and laughed. While every one was laughed, a short, blonde haired, lady came outside the room and gave us the most riduculous look I have ever seen.

"I want Luke and his female friend to follow me", She rolled her eyes. Uhuh? And here, I thought I had a name. Damn.

As we followed them, I saw our both management members siting over there.

"Hi Zoe", I greeted. But being the best manager she was, she ignored me while comunicating with others.

"Did you have sex?", The blonde girl asked us. Now all attention of the room was towards us.

"Thas a very private thing to ask. I do not approve. I should be t--", I was saying while Luke on the other hand turn redder than a tomato.

"I know what you are heading at,Emma", Zoe cut me. "Even if they did, she won't be pregnant because she is on pills"

"Talk about me like I am not even there", I muttered and Luke gave a laugh.

"Are you guys dating?", Emma questioned.

"No, we aren't", Luke answered.

"But now you are", Zoe said.

"Cmon? What is it, I don't want people to tell me who I am dating. Against my fundamental rights", I stated.

"Adeline and Luke", Zoe said. "you are the dumbest not couple I have ever met across. You guys are on your peak of your popularity. Adeline.. Before going so reckless, you could've thought once about the BMW fashion week. Luke.. Girls dream about getting married and dating you.. You hurt all of them. But surprisingly, the response was different. People have actually found it very interesting for you both to be together and termed it as 'cute' 'entertaining' and stuff. So, the only way to mend the situation is to date"

"Why? They won't even care", Luke said and I nodded in agreement.

"What message do you want to give your fans? Have a one night stand and leave?", Emma pointed. Even though I did not like Emma much, I had to agree she was right.

We both thought for some time. I couldn't risk my career and reputation. The BMW fashion week was so near and any bad thing would be like water on my not so waterproof painting.

"I am ready to fake date him", I said. And looked over to Luke. Luke studied my expression and then said.

"If she is ready, I am ready too. Only if it does not have a bad effect on the band", Luke said. "Did you talk to them"

"They have approved, yes", Emma said.

"So, its official then", Zoe said.

"Its all fake. Everything!", I corrected her.

"Yeah yeah", Zoe said. "So lets make it official on Twitter"

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