Hide and seek with kisses

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"Whose going to be the seeker?", I asked. Everyone looked at everyone but no one volunteered. No children, Luke house wasn't big enough to play, so we decided to play hide and seek.

And being the seeker in hide and seek, is no fun.

"Adeline is the seeker!", Calum said.

"Why me? I don't even know Athens house correctly. For all we know there is a basement filled with zombies in it", I suggested. I need to stop reading zombie books, zombie movies or zombie posters in my room.

"If zombies are even there, they come for brains, so your safe", Calum shamelessly said. Ashton and Michael gave a laugh while I plainly glared at them.

"I think Ashton should do it because he is cooler than everyone and older even", Michael said.

"Does that make me the least hottest", Ashton asked and I laughed. Boys got humor. I bet he had secret accounts on tumblr.

"Luke be the seeker!", Ashton said. I rolled my eyes because obviously he was the only one left.

"Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find your brain back there", Calum said earning a soft chuckle from the three of his squad members.

"Leave me and my brain alone", I mumbled.

"Oops sorry I forgot that you had one", Calum said and I hit him on his shoulder.

"Bitch please", I said and felt so happy. I always wanted to have a moment where I say bitch please and it makes sense. "I am visualizing a duct tape over your mouth"

Yeah! Bitch please!

"Visualize my hands too because then I can take it off", Calum said. Calum is in the mood, I think I should shut up.


"Okay", Michael said. Wait, wha? That's it?

It's like me : Michael be the seeker

Michael : shut up

Calum : Michael be the seeker

Michael : shut up

Ashton : Michael be the seeker

Michael : shut up

Luke : Michael be the---

Michael :OKAY I DONT MIND :)

Get what I am saying.

"I'll count till ten", Michael's muffled voice could be heard. I ran across and his inside Luke's closet.

Luke's closet was big and suffocating. Irony, if I may say. There was complete silence. I could hear my heart beating. I wondered if it beat so loud that Michael could catch me by it.

Suddenly, the closet door flung open. I knew it, I was out already. I suck at all games even hide and seek. I saw up to expect Michael there with a a malicious smile but it was Luke.

Within five seconds Luke got inside the closet and kept it half closed. Such a close proximity between us made me hard to breathe.

"Closet? That's so stereotypical", Luke whispered.

"Maybe that's why you are here", I defended. Calum already thinks I am a blondie, I don't want Luke to think so too.

"Only if I knew why I was here", Luke mumbled something which I couldn't catch.

"Whats up, Luke?", I asked. Some light was entering the closet so, I could make out his face in the area. He looked ate intensely. "You've been awfully quite since they came"

"I was just thinking about stuff", Luke responded. He looked down at his palm.

"You do that too? Surprising", I smirked and Luke laughed.

"Adeline", Luke said while taking a deep breathe.

"You are scaring me", I replied to him. I heard Luke chuckle.

"Am I or am I not?", Luke said while bringing his face near to mine.

"Why don't you find out yourself?", I involuntarily said. INVOLUNTARILY. Like voluntarily I wouldn't even say okay because his face was so close to mine.

I thought Luke would come up with a good, jaw breaking comeback but he did something I would secretly want him to.

He put his lips on mine.

Slowly, our lips moved in rhythm. He tasted like best flavored of the world. Maybe, for me, the best flavors of the world were what he tasted like. Luke's kisses were dumb founding and paralyzingly at the same time.

We Mended like a perfect song.

His lips increased the pace as I kissed him back with the same intensity. His hands on both sides of me, catching me firmly. It felt so right. My hands found a way in his golden locks.

We fit in like a puzzle.

As we continued to kiss, I realized I liked Luke hemmings so much that the ship has sailed away. there was no going back now. Nothing could have been better for me.

His lips travelled to along my jaw finding my weak spot, as his kissed below my ears, I trembled in pure delight. How he could make me happy, giddy and feel like on top of the world with just a kiss.

I moaned as his lips travelled down my neck to my collar bone. He slightly bit my skin, before I could react, he kissed the spot again.

Suddenly, a voice could be heard, maybe of footsteps on stairs. I pulled away immediately, Luke went a little far as we sat there in silence. Suddenly, the closet door swung open to show faces of three curious people

"Next time you kids want to make out, don't in the middle of our game", Calum smirked.

"We weren't making out", I said. Luke's face turned towards me. I hope he didn't get me wrong.Luke looked at me like I was so stupid and I shouldn't have said that.

"Tell that to the fresh hickey of yours on the collar bone"


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