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"Yesterday I had a nightmare! I dreamt of being you", I said while smirking and looking toward the, one and only, Calum.

"Oh god", He shut his eyes, brought his hand up to his face and showed his displeasure to what I had I said.

"Yes you can call me god too but I'd prefer if you stick to adeline", I smirked and gave a laugh.

"Who is sticking to adeline", Michael entered the room. Followed by Ashton and the last, Luke. Last Luke. Last lonely lazy Luke. I am getting better at alliteration.

"What did you eat for breakfast? Bitch flakes?!", Calum asked looking towards me.

"I can't hear you my ear has a disease called I don't care", I said and laughed because realising you're comeback power has increased makes you feel very good.

Right now we were at my fashion companies head quarters. Mine and 5sos management have meeting to mine and Luke's contract related.

Suddenly the door opened and there came lots of people in official clothes. I acknowledged a few but recognised only two, Zoe aka my manager and Emma aka Luke's manager.

"Wow and I thought the day couldn't get worse", Zoe muttered as she saw the mess at her desk. Some people chuckled.

"Want to feel worse? Be there when Luke's cooking!", Michael said. Luke's head snapped towards Michael.

"Want to play a game? It's called fuck off. Why don't you go first", Luke halted at Michael. Michael made some kissing faces to agitate him more, as we laughed.

"I want to play that game too but I'd like adeline to be my opponent", Calum mentioned as he gave me a look opponents usually give.

"I need sleep", I rolled my eyes as I yawned. I was so tired after the fashion show rehearsals I've been doing since the last week.

"Bitch you need to hibernate", Michael said and all of us laughed. One, scowl at Michael for saying that. Two, scowl more because it was funny.

"The meeting will start in fifteen minutes. Be ready", Emma told us. Of Course she glared at me and lied at Luke.

Please, no, not again.

"NO", I involuntarily screamed. All the people in the looking at me. Did I just scream that? I need to think about something to cover up. "Jimmy protested"

Hella yeah buddy.

"We're you dropped on your head as a kid", Calum retorted.

"No, a pool of beauty, yes", I answered.

"Yes you'd need that", Calum smirked.

That boy.

"Can we have your attention please", Zoe asked. All the head snapped towards her. "We have a new member in our team"

"This is Edward we call him Ed. He will be working with us on the arrangements and hence forth all the work related to us", Emma smirked.

The door opened and a tall, handsome slick figure walked in. I could recognise his face from some where, it was a distinct memory of him but I didn't remember him for sure.

"Oh my god adeline! It's been so many years", Edward looked at me. I eyed him for a second and it struck me.

Avogadro High School, Batch 13.

"Oh yes!", I said and went forward to give him a hug.

"How do you guys know each other?", Ashton asked. I looked at Luke and hoped he would give a reaction but unlikely, Luke was looking at his hands with a small smile on his face.

"High school, same batch, Same class, same group of friends", Ed said.

"He was on the football team. A proper jock", I laughed.

"She was on the cheerleader team. A proper bitch", He chuckled. Yes, I was a bitch and I regret every part of it.

"She still is", Calum said and some people laughed. Yea yea it was hilarious. My eyes met Luke's. I expected him to glare at me but unlikely he was giving me a smile.

Luke Hemmings giving me smile.

This day couldn't have been better.

"Okay.. so if the reunion is done, we have a meeting to progress with", Emma spat.

"So, 5 seconds of summer is having a 2015 Europe tour and hence we need to bring in changes in the agreement", Zoe said.

"If your client agrees to travel with 5 seconds of summer, not much change has to be brought then", Emma said. Funny, I've noticed she never says my name.

"But you need to keep in mind Adeline has a BMW fashion week right after the tour. I think it's going to hectic and I am not risking her performance", Zoe replied.

"It's not like she'll be doing anything with involves stress and anxiety. It's like a holiday trip which she'll even be paid for", Emma said.


"Don't talk like that about her", Some one said. I looked up to see Luke. Luke defended me in front of everyone.

"Sorry?", Emma asked in confusion.

"I said don't talk about adeline like that. I don't like it", Luke exclaimed. My heart rate increased. Was I day dreaming again? No, this looks so real it can't be a dream.

"Okay let's proceed", Emma dismissed the topic. "so is your client ready to travel?"

"I think it's her choice and not companies' so we'll give her some time to think about the renewal", Zoe said.

"Okay then I'll just get the basic copy of documents", Emma said and left the room followed with a couple of people leaving us in silence.

"That was..", Edward wanted to say but he was cut by Luke.

"I am going outside for some time", Luke responded as he walked out with making an eye contact or even looking at my direction.

"..Weird", Edward completed.

"I think I need to go outside too", I smiled as I walked past the people. I heard Calum pass a dirty comment but I decided to ignore it.

I came outside the meeting room. There was a long corridor and right at the end, near the balcony stood Luke. I walked down the corridor towards Luke.

"So you going on a Europe tour huh?", I said. He looked at me and gave a small smile. He walked and stood next to me. We both didn't speak anything but with Luke even the silence was comforting.

"Yes. I am. And this time I am taking you along with me", He smiled as his grey eyes met mine.

And that's how, Luke Hemmings stole my heart.

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