The claire

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"Well, aunt pia you don't have to worry about anytging. Claire is a well mannered disciplined polite and sweetest relative I have", I fake smiled. Lie. Such a big ass lie.

She was a witch in a body of this young innocent looking girl.

" thanks a lot adeline. I'll come back at night", Aunt pia smiled and kissed on the devils forehead.

She looked so innocent. It was a clear facade. In front of her mom, she is an angel. But remembers, devils were once angels too.

As soon as aunt pia left, it was a gavoc. She looked at me like I am a trend and she is so over it.

"Your pajama is very old fashioned and bad", She shrieked.

"So is your face", I snapped.

" oh please! My butt is better than your face", She said and my jaw dropped. She is thirteen for God sake. She isnt supposed to say it.

"I'll tell aunt pia you said this", I anrrowd my eyes at her. I hope this tames the beast.

" and you think she'll believe you hecause"?", Claire smirked while rolling her eyes.

What a devil

"Are you going to stay with me like this the entire time?", I rolled my eyes at her.

"You have no idea how much I dislike you. I'll tell mom you forced me to eat peanut butter even though I am allergic to it", she smirked.

The door bell rang and I walked outside.

I saw Luke at the door with chocolates in his hands. He smiled at me and gave me a look as if I was expecting him. Last night after making out he said he wanted to meet Claire.

" normal people ask other normal people to come inside and even offer water if lucky", Luke snapped at me. I realised I did not let him in.

"We shan't do that", I said and we laughed as we made our way to the hall. " Claire is rude and bitchy and sarcastic than a normal 13 year old"

"Like you?", He said and I glared him.

"Worse than me", I rolled my eyes. " just in case she is too  rude, scold her okay"

"Those pyjamas make your ass look good", Luke smirked.

" its not about my ass--", I was about to say when I heard a loud voice.

It was a high pitch scream of a thirteen year old going through major puberty.

"LUKE HEMMINGS?", Claire shamelessly hawked. Her face turned pink and she looked like a mad tomato.

"CLAIRE PARKER?", Luke joked. Atleast I laughed.


"Calm down", Luke said and went forward to hug her.

"Oh my god Luke Hemmings is going to hug me oh my god", Claire continued to fangirl.

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