Sexual Tension and Truths

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"Time to take you home before you speak something you regret in the morning", I said and walked through the room. I heard a couple of people calling me buzz killer, but I know what is the right thing to do.

"Why can't I stay for more time?", Drunk Luke demanded like a five year old kid crossing his arms and eyebrows with a slight pout showing his lip ring perfectly.

"Okay then No chocolates for Luke", I joked. I didn't knew that it would hurt Luke's sentiments. All of a sudden, Luke started weeping and looked at me like I had done something bad.

"Why would she do this to me? You are cruel you cruela!", Luke cried on shoulders of Calum. I gave a questioning look at Michael. Michael smiled and make sign of "we have it under control"

"Where's Ashton?", I questioned Michael.

"See! I told you she likes him! They have matching giggles too!", Luke complained and kept on crying.

"She doesn't. She just asked where he is, Luke", Calum told him.

"So that she can go and give him butterflies in the stomach", Luke said an crossed his hands over his face.

"Butterflies in the stomach?", I questioned.

"Yes. The ones you give to me", Luke said. I felt chills through out my body. Now that I knew that I liked him, I had found a solution.

"I need a break", I said while leaving the room. I walked to get water as I saw Michael standing behind me.

"Drunk Luke has three phases", Michael exclaimed.

"Wait they used that line in Jumpstreet series for drugs", I said and he laughed. "You are watching a lot of movies"

"So, he has three phases being drunk. First, the funny drunk and true drunk. Second, the emotional drunk and lastly the mature drunk before he passes out", Michael said.

"That's weird", I said. "but not weirder than your lip stud"

"Thanks for the compliment", Michael sarcastically smiled and I returned one

Drunk Sex with Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now