Small moments and long drives

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While everyone was dancing around the born fire, Luke came and sat near me. He intertwined our hands and looked at me.

"Is there anything on my face or what?", I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"Thanks for doing that back there. I don't know how I would've reacted if you didn't handle the situation so swiftly", Luke smiled.

"Yeah yeah. Send me the cheque as soon as possible", I said and chuckled. Luke's small laughter joined mine as he interlocked our hands again.

"So, you want to be paid?", He asked while looking at my lips and tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ears. I couldn't help but lean a little bit.

"Yes please", I whispered in his ears. My voice came out more sensual than I had expected it to. I felt chills all around my body as Luke leaned in and no sooner were our lips pressed against each other.

His lips were soft and cold because of the lipring. We moved in perfect sync as his hands trailed on my back, drawing random comforting patterns. The patterns were extremely comforting and made me moan a little, this earned Luke smiling in our kiss.

Our kiss was just beginning to heat up as I heard my cellphone ringing. Luke took a step back but I leaned in more, completely ignoring my blaring cellphone. After a while, it started ringing and this time Luke actually pulled away.

"Go and check it", He whispered in my ears. His lips touching my ear and his teeth skillfully nibbling at the skin. I felt chills passed in my entire body. I tried to get up and get my phone.

Three missed calls :

Aunt Pia
Aunt Pia
Aunt Pia Landline

"Who is it?", Luke asked as he hugged me from behind. His hands envoloped my stomach as he kept his chin on my shoulder as I called back.

"It's aunt pia", I told him. He looked at me with confusion. When I further told him "Claire's mother"

"Oh", He whispered and played with the hem of my t shirt. His fingers were long and comforting. He had to lean down alot to put his chin on me. He playfully put a finger inside my t shit where I hit his hand.

"Don't do that. I'm on phone", I scolded Luke as the rings were heard before she finally picked it up.

"Adeline? Adeline is that you on the line?", She hastily said.

"Hello! It's me!", I said and laughed at the reference. This can never get old. I sensed a feeling of tension and seriousness in her tone.

"Listen, I've been trying to reach you. The thing is Grand ma's health isn't fine. She'd like it if you guys went to her house as I won't be able to make it. I'm in NY for some days", She said. "Will you be there?"

"What happened to Grand Ma?", I asked hurriedly. I was in so much tension. Luke felt my muscles stiffening as he released his grip and came in front of me.

"Viral Fever, the doctor has said. She refuses any help but you know how she becomes when she is sick", Aunt Pia said. "Can you be there?"

Luke looked at me questioningly. I covered the phone and asked him "Can we drive to my grand mothers? She isn't well?"

"Of course. I'll get the car", Luke said. Luke looked at me with the expression "obviously how can you even ask that"

"Aunt Pia?", I said on the line. "I'll get to her in some time"

"That's wonderful", Aunt Pia sighed. "Thank you so much. This is have relieved me a lot"

After that we bid each other good bye, and Luke had already brought the car. He told the boys about how we had to suddenly leave and also take the car with us. Boys already knew what my grand Ma meant to me and did not question alot.

"Drive safely, okay?", Ashton patted Luke's back and gave a smile. I was one moment away from cooing "aww"

"Don't distract him while he is driving, it won't lead to good consequences", Michael said. "Neither for him nor for you"

"You guys are scaring me", I said and laughed. Zoe and ed joined my laughter and hugged me.

"I'm not that bad a driver", Luke muttered in deep Australian accent. It was a definitely a turn on for me. His accent. His lipring. His lips. Concentrate, Adeline, concentrate.

"Wish her to get well soon", Calum said as he side hugged me and patted my back. "Inform us when you reach"

"I will", I assured and gave a smile. It was evident how much the boys had grown to care about us and it was adorable. After saying good byes and taking our bags, we left. As soon as we got in the car, we could see everyone waving us goodbye's.

"Just the two of us, on a long drive", I said looking outside the window. My hair going wild because of the wind. Even though Luke mentioned four times to close the window, I ended up opening it.

"Long drive to accompany our sick grandmother", Luke said. I look at him and rolled my eyes. He chuckled and played the radio which was blasting the neighbourhood right now.

It was difficult not to notice how he had used "our" instead "your". After that, no one could stop me grinning like an idiot.


1. Forgive me for the delay, I had my exams and my birthday, I didn't really get time to update.

2. I'm so thankful for 120k reads, you guys rock. Best people in the world.

3. Comment on how close Luke and Adeline are getting and even suggest a ship name for them.

4. That's it. I didn't have a fourth. I just wanted to sound cool. Lol. Bye. Me loves you.

Merry Christmas,
All the love,

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