What the fuck

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I screamed.

Yes, I screamed. I could not remember anything. I saw my favorite dress, which was now, ripped on the floor. My head was paining from, which I guessed was, hangover.

"Go away Calum", He said and turned away.

"I am not Calum, you bastard", I yelled at him while tightening the sheets around me.

As soon as his slow mind processed that I really wasn't Calum, he jerked up and rubbed his eyes.

"What the fuck", He screamed. His eyes roamed around the room and then back to me. He pressed his hand to his head, probably, he was getting a head ache too.

"What happened last night?", I yelled. I felt my head spinning before I gave my self a conscience check.

"What the fuck stop screaming woman", He screamed again. He pressed his hand more to his head. His nose scrunned as he expressed his pain.

"I asked what happened last night?", I spat. I was bloody infuriated.

"What the fuck--", He said and then finally made an eye contact with me.

"Dude you say 'what the fuck' one more and I'll punch you to shit", I warned him. His eyes roamed on my almost naked body covered with the silk sheet. way to make it obvious, rock star.

"What happened last night?", He asked. He made himself look calm but I swear its just because I looked like I wad about to go on a rampage.

"Oh now you realise it, newton, I've been asking that since ages!", My voice dripped with sarcasm. As soon as he could say something, his mobile phone buzzed from the other corner of the room.

The room was completely white with a king sized bed, a couch and a Black 50 inch LED television and looked exactly like a Hotel suite.

He was about to get up for his phone before I screamed to stop him.

"What happened now?", He asked in frustation.

"Don't. Get. Up", I pointed out the fact he was naked under the duvet.

"Right", He rubbed his head. I got up tightening my hold on the white sheet I had taken to cover myself. I picked up his and mine both mobile phone and his T-shirt and jeans.

I threw his phone and jeans to him while I put his shirt on me and sat on the couch.

I switched my mobile on and waiting for it to load.

3124 Notifications. 22 Messages. 12 Updates. 30 missed calls.

I clicked on the article with had my name mentioned.

"HotGossiptown : Hot news! 5sos lead singer/ vocalist member, Luke Hemmings, and top model and brand ambassador of ZARA, Adeline Parker, were seen together for the entire evening of 19th January. Both 18-year-olds not only went crazy in the club, but also were caught holding hands and kissing. These two were seen going into the hotel together too. Mmf. We know what must have happened. To share your views message us on.."

Club? what the fuck? which one?

"We must have..",He said, nodding his head, as if analyzing.

"drank alot", I completed.

"Our management is going..", He said.

"Burst out on us", I nodded in agreement.

"We woke up naked.. that means..", He said.

"Yes, we had sex", I completed. I never knew mentioning the word "sex" could make things so much more awkward.

"No shit sherlock", He said and roamed his hands in his clear blonde hair.


Thanks for reading this book, you lovely person. Private message me if you're liking it or need a new fam bestfriend. (I'LL GIVE YOU A COOKIE) (jk im broke af buy me cookies please)

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