Truth and dare gone wrong

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"Hey! Your here. I thought you'd come at 7l", Ashton giggled as he opened his front door.

"It's 6 45 already, Ash", I rolled my eyes and entered with a bag full of junk food. "I got us food"

"The boys will be here in some time", Ash smiled and guided me in his flat. "Thanks for the food though I didn't make arrangement for that"

"So it's a party?", I questioned while looking around. I saw his new drum set in the corner of the room with a bunch of colorful bandanas.

"No.. no.. it's just a treat for the boys and our friends", He said while placing all the food packets on the countertop. "Would you like to drink something"

"Getting the girl drunk already?", I laughed and Ashton blushed furiously.

"I didn't mean that'll---", He began to defend his actions.

"I was kidding, Ashley", I winked. "don't work yourself for it"

"So, anything?", He asked again.

"Orange juice may be", I said. While Ashton nodded and went to get a glass, I walked near his drum set with stoles near it.

I picked up his drum sticks and banged it lightly on the drum. I have seen people playing drum so many times. They are so energetic it annoys me.

"That's not the way how you play it", Ashton said while he sat next to me. He was so attracted to what he was saying that he didn't realize the close proximity between me and him. But of course, me being a crazy teenage girl with hormones started feeling nervous.

He sat behind me, just how he was being a bigger spoon, rested his head on my collar region and enveloped my hands and guided the way on the drums.

I felt so good and welcomed that I wanted him to stay like this. Ashton was so sweet and charming, unlike his band mates. Especially, Luke. I felt I wa dating the wrong member.

"Is it easy to learn?", I asked. His face was right near to mine while he answered with a cute nod.

I was staring at his face while he was looking at his drum set dreamily.

Suddenly the door opened and the guys came in. As soon as Luke entered, his eyes landed on us. His facial expression dropped and he rushed into the room.

"You guys look cozy", Calum teased. Two girls of my age entered the room and an older looking boy.

"I was teaching her the drum roll", He defended, red in embarrassment. Ashton quickly got up while Luke hadn't left the room.

Soon Michael entered with a bag.

"Hey Adeline", Michael said. "How are you"

"Cut with the formalities, Michael. she don't like you", Calum smirked while going and sitting next to the girl.

"Adeline meet Laura and Tanya", He pointed out. "Girl meet Luke's apparent girl friend, Adeline Parker"

Laura was absolutely beautifully. In Fact they both were. While Laura had blonde hair, blue eyes and perfect body.. Tanya had black hair and hazel eyes.

Michael went inside after Luke probably. I suddenly felt guilty for not going after him. For two minutes, I sat in silence while Calum and Laura talked.

Ashton was in the kitchen, so I waited for him to come out.

Luke came outside and laughed on something Michael probably said. Luke directly made an eye contact with Laura and went and sat besides her.

A pang of jealousy hit me as I saw him sitting so close to Laura. Close is understatement. that witch was almost on his lap.

"I got us all food", Ashton came out side as I gestured him to sit next to me. He gracefully accepted the offer as we all sat down. Finally she got off from Luke's lap.

"Truth and Dare?", Calum said and Tanya nodded.

"I'll start", Michael said. "Calum, truth or dare"

"Truth", Calum chose and Luke commented "coward".

"Did you steal my pack gummy bears or did you buy that of your own?"

I laughed at his questioned. Michael, Michael.

"I stole your yours", Calum said while Michael through a packet of chips on him and Calum graciously dodged it.

"Tanya, truth or dare", Calum asked.

"Dare", Tanya smirked gaining a couple of 'woohoo'

"I dare you to give Ashton a lap dance", Calum said while my eyes widened. I thought why Calum did not choose dare, Now I know the reason.

Tanya got up and sat on Ashton's lap and seductively moved her hips on his lap. Ashton's ace looked redder than a tomato.

"Laura, Truth or dare", Tanya asked Laura.

"Dare", Laura said flipping her perfectly blonde hair off her shoulder.

"Take your top off for till three rounds", She said while Calum said "Luke would Like that"

I did not find the joke in that statement so I did not laugh like the others included Luke, who were laughing on was Calum said.

Luke's eyes met mine, his gaze on me was intense like he was angry at me. What have I done now.

Laura took her t shirt off and I looked except her naked self.

"Luke, truth or dare", Laura asked.

"Truth", Luke said. While Michael said "pussy" directing towards him.

"In word tell us how you feel today?", Laura asked. The hair color suited her perfectly, blondes and blondes. That was her question? Really? What answer did she expect that he was horny or something.

"Jealous. I feel angry and jealous", Luke said and my world went dizzy. It made sense why he ran inside the room when he saw me and Ashton. fuck.

"Adeline", Luke asked huskily. "Truth or dare"

"Dare", I involuntarily said and regretted as soon as I said it.

"You have to kiss the person you are most attracted to", Luke smirked in nervousness.

Oh fuck.

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