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I was in a bad situation.

After waking up, I realised I was still wearing the clothes from the party. Remembering last night, I knew that I was at Luke's house.

Not only that, but my stomach pained.

And I knew why what it was.

Code red.

Or Punishment for not being pregnant.

Or you can say, periods.

Things could not get embarrassing. I was at Luke's place who made out with me last night and was enough drunk to not remember it. And probably has a million question why I was here.

First I thought of sneaking out but I am gods favourite in matters of "one who gets worst in awkward situation" and now had blessed me with punishment of not being pregnant.

Another cramp.

I went inside the washroom and sat on the floor. Pictures of last night came in my mind. I was so happy for a moment. But then, pain kicked in and followed another cramp.

I felt overwhelmed and all I wanted was to cry. The floor was so cold and washroom was so neat, it made me emotional. On top of that my stomach ached not because I ate too many m&ms but because I was in periods.

How will I ask Luke if he has umm.

And I did what I wanted. I started crying loudly. Why me?

"WHAT HAPPENED", Luke rushed inside the washroom.

"Get out of here", I wept. It was his house, his room, his washroom and who is ordering around? Duh! ME.

"Why are your crying? Is everything alright?", Luke knelt down to my level.

"I said get out of here", I shouted on him.

"First tell me what happened", Luke touched my cheek. I stopped like a five year old with a lollipop in his mouth. Luke's eyes looked like they actually wanted to know what happened. He wiped my tears and sat next to me.

"My stomach is paining", I said.

"That's it? Here I thought something happened", He joked and I hit him on his shoulder.

"You are so mean", I shrieked and his my face in my palm.

"Wait no sarcastic comebacks?", Luke asked being shocked.

"My tummy is really paining", I said.

"Because you haven't eaten since what? Seventeen hours?", He said.

"It's not because of that", I scolded him.

"Or because you ate something bad", Luke suggested.

"NO", I said. "I AM A MODEL YOU FORGET THAT shut up"

"What do you want me to do, woman?", Luke said.

"Get out of here and let me cry", I said.

"Why are you acting like on your days of the month", Luke said and stopped. His expression changed.

"Oh", Luke said and I swear I couldn't hold my laughter.

"Why didn't you say so?", Luke asked.

"Yes Luke Hemmings I tell boys every day that I am in periods", I rolled my eyes.

"It's so easy for you to say that word", He said.

"What? Periods?", I asked.

"Yes that word", Luke said and I laughed. Poor boy can't even say it.

I closed my eyes as a cramp occurred again. I caught Luke's hand as tightly as I could. The cramp was long an hurting in nature. Best of its kind.

"Are you okay Adeline?", Luke asked. "want me to get you something's?"

"Yes", I said with my eyes closed.

"I'll be back in fifteen okay? Stay here and call me if something goes wrong", He said. He kissed my forehead and left the washroom.

I sat there and did not remember when I dozed off.

"Adeline", Some one said. I opened my eyes to see Luke dangerously closed to my face.

"I got your umm things", He shoved a bag to me. I saw sanity napkins and some pain killers.



WHAT DO I SAY "thanks?"

"Thanks?", I said. Luke brought a bottle of water as he took out a painkiller tablet and handed it over me. I placed it in my mouth and let it in by a long sip of water.

"How are you feeling?", Luke asked.

"My back is killing me", I said and winced as I tried to move.

"Turn around I'll give you a massage", He said and my jaw dropped. "I am serious turn around"

I turned around and Luke placed his hands on my shoulder. Just his touch made me feel so relaxed and controlled. His hands made comforting movements on my back. His hands travelled dangerously low.

"Stop", I whispered.

"Good?", He said in my ears. I nodded in return.

"Do you and Calum people laugh all the time?", I asked.

"No it's just sometimes we have laughter period", He joked. I laughed and hit him on his shoulder.

Luke Hemmings making period jokes.

"Who is Ali Luke?", I asked. I looked at him in the eye.

"Somebody I used to know", He scoffed.

"And I am having mood swings", I rolled my eyes.

"You look so funny when you roll your eyes Adeline", Luke laughed.

"I am glad I make you laugh", I said.

"Stop flirting with me", Luke smirked.

"What if I don't?", I said. I was, in fact, at mine sudden boast of confidence.

"I'll do something we both will remember", He whispered.

"What will that be?", I said.

"MAKING PERIOD JOKES", he screamed and started laughing.

"Stop making period jokes your embarrassing me", I said.

"I don't embarrass anyone. Period", Luke said and continued to laugh.

"Oh my god stop", I said while chuckling.

"But I suggest we go in the flow", He laughed and I laughed too. Him and his jokes. Period.

Damn him.

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