Netflix and chill?

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Don't let the title fool you. Again.

Gran is such a drama queen. As the sun set down, Luke, Reece, Mrs. Pitcousin and I sat around her. Apparently, that comforted her and she was strong enough to cook us some good dinner.

So, basically, she faked it.

In the morning, she looked as fresh as a rose in June and had cooked us some really good breakfast. I missed eating break fast at homes.

"What's the plan for today?", I asked Gran.

"Martha and I have decided that we might go for the exhibition/sale ìn the next town", Gran said. "They have everything. From wall hangings to lingerie"

"Jeez Gran", I rolled my eyes. "When will you return"

"Later evening or maybe even after dinner", She shrugged. "It's not everyday there is a sale like that"

"Woahkay then, my old shopaholic", I said and took the last bite of the pancake.

"Morning pretty ladies", Luke smiled as he came and kissed Gran on the cheek while she patter his back. Luke came to my table and ate the piece while I hit his hand before he touched the food in my plate.

"Morning, Mr. Charming", Gran cheekily smiled. "I hope you had good sleep"

"Best, I suppose", He smiled and peered over his mobile phone and scrolled a lot of notifications at once. "Are you okay now?"

"Best", she repeated and they chuckled. "I'll be leaving right now. Don't cause a lot of mess"

Wow. We aren't eight anymore, grand ma.

"Just me and you alone, huh?", Like smirked as he motioned slowly towards me. I chuckled at how dramatically he was walking to me.

"I guess so", I smirk back at him and then lessen the distance between us."What do you have in mind?"

"Stuff", He said and I got a sudden urge to roll my eyes when he quickly put his arms around my waist and placed his lips on my collarbone. "Bad stuff"

His lips kissed slowly on the edge of my collar bone and making all my senses alert. Every kiss relaxing me. I closed my eyes and bite my lip to refrain from making any sounds.

"You like this, don't you?", He whispers in my ears and kisses beneath them finding my sweet spot. Before I could react or something, I heard a voice.

"Oh dear, could you not wait till I left? Well, now I am leaving", Gran snickered and left. As she left, we heard the door open and close.

Luke and I looked at each other for a second guiltily and then we both burst in a chain of laughter. Luke's face turned so bright and cute when he laughed. He threw his head back and his hand was on his stomach.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", Luke looked at me and laughed.

"It's been such a long time since it just you and me hanging out", I smiled and intertwined our hands together.

"I know", He smiled and kissed on the top of my head. "What do you want to do now?"

"Netflix and chill?", I smirked. "No?"

"Of course, yes" Luke laughed and tugged my hand to the living room. We both popped on the couch and intertwined our legs around and sat there like a lazy couple.

"Where are you touring this year?", I asked him. Be turned towards me and then looked at me. His thumb caressed my cheek and he bite his lower lip.

"America and some other places", He said. His eyes twinkled with excitement. "Its so overwhelming and... good. The boys are so excited. I am so excited"

"And more than that, the fans are most excited. You deserve it, Luke Hemmings, I mean it", I said and moved on his lap. He smiled at me and put an arm around my waist.

"I must have done something good to get a lover like you", Luke looked at me and recited.

"I can't believe you are quoting The Sound Of Music when we are having a moment", I threw my hands up in the hair. "You, sir, are ridiculous"

"You want to know what my favorite letters are?", Luke asked. "U R A Q T"

"Oh my god, Luke Hemmings, get some good pick up lines", I chuckled.

"Are you a switch light?", He said and I braced myself a cute stupid pick up line. "Because you turn me on"

"Holy water", I said. "Some one pass me the bottle of holy water"

"Let's flip a coin, Heads your mine, tail, I am yours", Luke said and I shrieked.

"Save me! Some one save me", I shouted and Luke laughed loudly. "Jesus Christ, Luke--"

"You guys should really mellow it down", A voice said. After a moment, I realised it was Reece's. Luke rolled his eyes in annoyance and made a ridiculous face.

"Can I come in?", Reece asked. Even though Luke muttered an inaudible "no", I sat besides Luke and said "Come on in"

"I hope I'm not disturbing anything", Reece brilliantly smiled in confidence.

Luke and I spoke at the same time where I said "Not at all" Luke said "Of course you are"

"Anyway, I was just inviting you to the beach. Some of my friends were heading there so I was wondering if you'd like to come too"

"Yes we'd like to. Thank you for inviting us. That's so nice of you, Reece", I smiled at him and he quickly returned one.

"Sure then. We'll leave in an hour", Reece said and waved us goodbye. He stepped out and left the house.

"Let's get ready for some beach, Luke", I looked at the grumpy Luke.

"I don't want to go in the sunlight. It's gonna burn me", Luke dramatically said.

"You're such a drama queen Lucas", I said and got up from the couch and moved towards the door.

"But what about Netflix and chill?", Luke asked and made a puppy dog face.

Author's note :

Don't hate me for updating late. I'm so sorry. I had a project submission and it was a hectic task. But anyway, I lou you guys 💙


Thank you for 135k reads. You guys are awesome.

All the love,

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