Bowling alley - part 1

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"We're here", Calum announced as the car was park in the drive away. This place was not only huge but also looked expensive.

"What? Did you sell your kidney to bring so many people here or what?", I asked looking around. A couple of them laughed and Ashton smiled.

"The manager knows me very well", Calum answered while walking inside. "his daughter came to our gig"

"That moment when you want to be in a popular band so bad", I said and Ashton giggled. Luke suddenly looked at Ashton as if he had committed a crime. Stop with the glares, Lucas Mucus. That's a nice Nick name. Suits.

"You can join us anyway, Calum is of no use", Michael complained.

"You guys need life", Calum said while putting his SnapBack on. We walked inside.

Today 5sos had decided to go for bowling because it made them feel back home. Apparently, I thought we would go to the mall bowling centre but we didn't.

"All I want right now is to play the bowling and chill", Ashton said and I nodded.

We walked inside and changed into our size shoes. The environment was Amazing. It was long, had a couple of arenas connected, loud music and disco lights.

Luke walked and registered our names. Luke had been grumpy since the interview and I had no idea why. It's not even morning.

"We need to form pairs", Luke said.

"Me and Laura", Michael screamed. Laura got startled and I laughed.

"Me and Tanya", Calum said. Obviously, tanya was wearing a translucent top and Calum being a pervert was caught starring.

"Me and Ashton", I said. Then I realised, this will so piss Luke off. Luke did not even look at me.

"I'll go alone then", Luke muttered. He looked so disappointed it made me hurl. I shouldn't have chosen that.

When Luke was going all mad on me and we still had time to do something. I search my and Luke's name. And I was bewildered. SO many tweets. SO many photos. SO many people shipping us.

We are apparently nominated for couple of the year.

Woot woot.

The fact that 5sos fam is large. One move and bam. Every one is talking about it. That kiss on the show was hot topic for at least a week. One more thing about them, 70% are angels and ship us hardcore make edits and all stuff, 20% don't care and eat pizza, 10% are sending me hate day and night. it's funny.

Sad part is, that 10% of them are right. Even though me and Luke are getting close and have become friends, we aren't girl friend boy friend and we know it.

"What is Adeline Parker doing alone in such happening a bowling alley as this", A man said. He looked about in his later twenties had stubble and small brown hat. I had seen him but I did not remember where.

"I don't know you", I straight my said without confusion. He gave a laugh and I raised my eyebrows.

"Where have my manners gone?", He said to himself, probably. Or that he was taunting me to be rude. "Ryder John"

"Nice to meet you", I coughed. Talk about awkward.

Oh yes. a man dressed very good for a bowling alley comes up to me shows me he recognises me by my name and then introduces him happens every freaking day in my life. If this is the new way to flirt, it's bad honey pies, don't do it.

"Man what are you doing here?", A voice from behind came. I turned back to see Luke coming towards us. "When did the shooting get over?"

They knew each other?

"Hey dude. I missed you too man", Ryder laughed and hugged Luke. Luke returned the chuckle and hugged him back. "Yesterday. Everything completed. I am already on vacations"

"That's great man. You are planing to visit us or like last time to Hawaii uh?", Luke asked. Suddenly the air around screamer discomfort and problems.

"You'll never leave that topic will you?", Ryder laughed. He laughed but Luke didn't. And me being a good person said something to ease the tension.

"Oh yes I am in the room", I declared and both of them laughed.

"Adeline meet---", Luke said.

"We introduced ourselves already, Luke", Ryder said.

"Ryder is an old friend. He is currently a movie director and just completed a project with Leo", Luke said. All I could think was of HOLLYWOOD.

"Enough about me", Ryder said. While pointing us he asked. "How long has this been on"

"Three and a half months", Luke smiled. A lasting, genuine smile.

"Luke Hemmings finally settled on a girl for more than three months after 5sos. Hard to believe", Ryder commented. I thought it was appreciation but Luke didn't. His face dropped.

"Salt on burnt skin again? Not so hard to believe", Luke replied.

"Oh come on. After Ali you can't be saying that", Ryder barked. The happy expression turned into bad one.

Who is Ali? Let's hope it's a boy.

"Is that why you are here?", Luke groaned.

"I have better plans", Ryder smiled at me. Not creepy but yes creepy.

"Don't even look at her. She is not Ali", Luke said an came In front me, like he was protecting me. But me being me forgot this gesture, and looked at Ali.

I felt drowning in pool of jealousy. Ali must've been important for Luke if

"You are so dramatic Luke", Ryder rolled his eyes. "it will be all business"

Why am I the only person who can only think of 50 shades of grey when he said that.


"Fuck off Ryder and get lost", Luke said.

"Let me meet my mates at least", Ryder said.

"Don't spoil every ones mood. Tomorrow at 6, Calum's house. It's a party. Your invited", Luke said monotonously.

There was party at Calum's place and I wasn't invited.

Luke and Ryder smiled at each other. I swear they are bipolar. One moment they are midst of a wwe fight and now they look like sweet hearts.

When Ryder left, me and Luke were walking towards where the game was to be played.

"There was a party and I wasn't invited. Getting rid off your girlfriend already?", I tackily said.

"No one is getting rid of you baby", Luke whispered in my ears. "There wasn't a party till a minute before, but now it is"

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