Bring Me New clothes

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"I'll go and shower first", Luke declared. "Look the other way because.. you know.. I am nak--"

"Yes. I get it. I am not interested for seeing your dick too", I scoffed and turned myself. I heard him give a laugh.

I sat there in nothing but Luke's shirt. I changed the channels, all old movies and jazz songs were coming up on the TV until I stopped on E-News 24/7

".. They are not the only couple, Zafiya", The host said. "I think we have a new couple too"

"Who dear?", A lady asked who I guessed was Zafiya.

"Luke Hemmings And Adeline Parker", The host chirped and the audience cheered.

Couple? What the actuall hell? Thats why I hated Paparazzi. Fucking rumor starters. Here I can't remember anything, and people think I am dating that stupid blondie.

"They look so cute together", Zafiya smiled. A photo of Luke and mine holding hands came onto the screen.

The picture was of me, in my favorite black dress which was now ripped, and Luke holding hands. Our eyes were looking at the same thing, which I don't remember. We both were laughing.

"I totally ship them",Zafiya said. Infuriated as hell, I switched the television set off.

Ship your ass off, bitch.

"I am done", I heard Luke's voice. He was in his last night's jeans and was shirtless because I was wearing his T shirt. duh.

"Now get me clothes", I ordered. His eyes widened at my quirky request.

"Wear what you were wearing yesterday", He said and scratched the back od his neck.

"Oh Yeah? The one which is ripped on the floor?", I gave him a sarcastic smile while showing him the material.

"Rip-p-..ed?", He asked in pure horror. Yes, horror.

"Yes, my sexy beast, apparently it is ripped. No wonder you were harsh on us last night", I smirked. I liked making him uncomfortable. He was such a dork.

"I just.. I don't do this. I just wanted you to know I never do this. I would have never done such a thing. I am sorry. I never even drink. I don't remember anything too----", He started to rant. His voice sounded hurt.

"Its okay, hemmings", I smirked. "Just get me new clothes"

"Definately. I'll get it right now. Just give me my shirt back so, I can go", He asked for his shirt.

"What will I wear then?", I questioned.

"You stay naked till I come", He smirked.

"You better not ditch me, blondie", I turned around and returned him his shirt while covering myself with the sheet.

"No way. Not when you are naked under sheets anyway", I heard him say while shutting the door.

I switched on my mobile phone and clicked on the twitter app. I had alot of messages and mentions. Every every single one about Luke. That idiot ruined my privacy.

"@hemmonical19629 : why is @luke5sos hanging out with @adeadeline she is ugly"


"@zayngel7778889 : Zayn's loose strand of hair looks better than @adeadeline"

Well okay.

"@bringitonbuttercups : I ship them! They seem happy together."

No no no. People giving us hate was better than shipping. Atleast there has to be something connection with each other for others to "ship"

I clicked on profile after profile and followed a few of them. I practically ignored all calls from management. I was in no mood for shoutings.

Maybe I was sore. Hah. I found that funny.

After reading a bunch of knock-knock jokes, I was restless. I was literally going to shout on that tacky piece of shit when he comes back.

Before that I could loose my sense, I heard the door swing open.

"So, from the information I have acquired, you are a loud moaner", He chuckled. I gave him a look. He removed and gave me his shirt.

"Look away", I said and he obeyed. I put his shirt on me.

"So, why are you looking odd?", I asked.

"Look what I bought for you?", Luke asked. I could see a faint smirk behind the serious face.

"I'll wear it after taking a shower", I rolled my eyes and walked near the bathroom with the bags. I heard him laugh.

"Whats so funny?", I asked. He giggled. Like literally a child on christmas morning.

"You are such a dork", I rolled my eyes and walked into the shower.

Turning the hot shower, I got lost into the melody of water. After taking a long shower, I turned the tap off.

I walked while wiping myself with a huge towel towards the bag of clothes Luke got me.

My mouth hung in shock while I got infuriated.

"LUKE HEMMINGS", I screamed.

"Yes!!!", I heard him yelp in victory. He neared the washroom door and said. "I might be a dork, but I am a sexy one darling"

That punk rockstar got me La Senzá lingerie.

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