Award show

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HOT BUZZ 24/7 :

Oh la la. We had guessed it correct! Eighteen year olds, Luke Hemmings and Adeline Parker are the cutest couple of the year.

From the drunk fun on streets to making a video of them dating and now to going to doing couples thing together.

"They were spotted at restaurants on date where the two could not stop flirting and were seen in the bowling alley too! If you think that's it, then you have it all wrong buddy! They were spotted in the supermarket, the mall, fashion shows and many places!

We totally ship them!

Comment below your views on these punk star and supermodel being serious about their relationship!

"Comment on our relationship? Really? How mature can they get?", I threw the magazine on the floor. "Next thing I know they are making fan fictions about us"

Zoe gave me the best awkward look I've seen in my life time.

"They are?", I asked horrified. Today has already put me in stress, I don't want to think about it anymore.

Today is the most awaited award of the year, the billboards. Funny, Luke was nominated for four awards and I automatically get an invitation.

"Smile bright", Zoe told me millionth time already. "You will walk down the S1 aisle alone, don't answer to questions, Luke will be there at the end of S1"

"Do I stop for speaking after that", I nervously asked. "Am I sitting right besides them"

"It's upon Luke to answer to the approached paparazzi and yes, I will meet you after the red carpet", Zoe smiled.

"That's good..", I trailed as I looked at my reflection for one last time. Short yellow, tacky dress with every thing else matched.

"Come on Adeline.. It's time", Zoe smiled as I stood up and walked outside the door.

Walking outside the door, my heart rate increased. The thing is walking on the red carpet is easy for us, models, but speaking, no freaking way. Facing the camera and smiling is easy, but speaking? No way in hell.

I nodded at known people and gave smile to the people who crossed me. Some were gracious enough to tell me that I look good, even though I replied "thank you" I wanted to scream that "SWAG BITCH SWAG"

I walked down the S1 and relief was felt by me as I saw Luke's physique from afar. Luke cleaned up pretty well. He wasn't as dressed up as he was for the fashion show, but the black suit him perfectly.

Luke looked up and his eyes met mine. He looked at me as if I had paint on my face. He just stood there looking at me without an expression.

"Is everything okay?", I asked him as I neared our distance.

"Everything's perfect", Luke finally smiled and drained the bad expression. "Nothing could have been better"

For a moment I was confused, was he really talking about the situation or my dress or my face or anything else. Must be face though. Hah.

"It's show time ", Luke whispered as we walked in the land of flashlights, the red carpet. Group of teenage girls screamed, or should I use an appropriate word, fan girled at the sight of Luke.

"What do you think this is? Madagascar?", I laughed at my comeback so did Luke.

"Hey! Luke! Luke can you please answer to us! Please Luke", The interviewer asked.

Luke made a direct eye contact with the paparazzi and he wanted to talk to him. AND I looked at him with pure "are u shitting me look"

"Yes you may", Luke smiled at her.

"Get the camera rolling, Ronald", She said. "Hello my name is Amanda and you're watching buzzing. Here we have the 5sauce vocalist Luke Hemmings and his girlfriend, Adeline Parker"

"So, we will be questioning. what did you guys laugh about when you just entered the red carpet", She asked.

Oh shit.

"She asked if we'll ever go to Madagascar and I said why not", Luke smirked as he put his hands on my waist protectively. Remind me to question : WHAT DID THE BLONDE PUNK STAR JUST SAY

"That's so cute! Who amongst you do you think is my responsible person in your relationship", Amanda asked.

"I think it's me!", Luke said as quickly as it was asked.

"Obviously me", I retorted and soon regretted because it wasn't the dining room argument it was AN AWARD SHOW.

"Ah this could lead to a quarrel but only lovers one you see. How are you feeling about being nominated for couple of the year as well"

"We are?", I asked in great surprise. I was so busy the recent days I never got a chance to actually go in depth what was happening.

"Yes", Amanda and Luke laughed. "Anyways, thanks for talking to us! All the hope and love to you"

"We are nominated for couple of the year? Oh god", I asked Luke who chuckled in response before placing a kiss on my cheek. I blushed in response what was that?

We went inside the indoor dome and quickly sat down.

"Stop following me", Calum told me when he saw me sitting besides Luke for the award show.

"You wish I did hoody", I said. Michael laughed as Ashton waved towards me and came to hug me.

The award show was amazing. So many familiar faces were seen. I fan girled when I saw one direction and Luke behaved like he wasn't there with me.

Five seconds of summer won two main awards of the evening which were uprising stars of tomorrow and song of the year.

"Last award of the evening.. This year we have a new set of award which are given the couples", The host said and the crowd laughed. "Can we have the nominations please"

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris

Liam Payne And Sophia smith

Harry styles and Louis Tomlinson

Adeline Parker and Luke Hemmings

And three more.

"Larry is nominated we won't win", I rolled my eyes.

"I did not know my babe was a Larry supporter", Luke laughed.

I wanted to ask, your babe, huh

"Award goes to..", The host said. "ADELINE PARKER AND LUKE HEMMINGS"

Bald host say what.

Authors note :



Private message me if you ever want to talk!


Peace out, love-cupcakes-muffin-sugary-whipped-cream-and-cheery-on-top people. (Ps guess who got hungry while writing that and is going for a pizza party now)

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