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(Danny's pov)

Their gone... my family, my Half-Life. All taken away by the GIW and my so called "Parents"

heh, not like they would care anyway, they were always in their stupid 'lab' and screaming about tearing ghosts apart 'molecule by molecule' while their own son was half one.

Ya'know when I still believed that they would change, when they would care. I thought that if I showed them they would still love me, Care for me, CHANGE for me

Oh how wrong I was, I was so very very wrong. You know what they did after they found out? After I SAVED the town & the world? They tried to kill me! And when my sister Jazz, my friends I considered my family Tucker & Sam, tried to protect me...

Well *chuckles* they murdered them in cold blood, they KILLED the only people that Cared about Me, Loved me, and tried to protect me.

Right infront of ME. I had nearly proved that they were right! That I WAS dangerous, that I had No Remorse, No Love, No feelings. But Rage & Hate! That I was just a destructive... killing machine

But I couldn't, They knocked me out before it registered that my Family was dead. Then they locked me in a cage, if you could call it that, it was more of a dog crate. And shipped me away to be a lab rat for The GIW

They blamed the fact that they were dead on me...
My ghost half...
And for some reason...
The town believed them, *chuckles* those oblivious idiots...
If only they new the reality of it, how their "hero ghost hunters" killed 3 people in cold blood, and killed two more half way...
-Time skip-
(3rd person pov)

It had been 3 years since that fateful day, since Danny had been captured & his Real family was murdered right infront of his very eyes.
And during those years? Torture to put it bluntly.
But they specifically had

Never used pain killers, unless a fatal dose to see what that did

Dissected him a number of times

Electrocuted him every time he tried to fight back, use his powers other than his healing factor, if he didn't do something quick enough, or just for the hell of it

Sent him through many 'obstacle' courses, which were more closely related to a death course

Tried many-a chemical on him to see what it did

Muzzled him if he screamed during anything as well as beat him bloody (literally)

And many other things that I not dare mention

But one fateful day they did somthing quite interesting, and finaly let him go.

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