headcannons for the story

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(Please put your own DC or Danny Phantom headcannons in the comments I love to read them)
(This will be updated as I remember or think of ones that make sense with the story)

Just as the title says these are my headcannons for the story
Well technically facts but thats beside the fact

DannyPhantom headcannons/facts for the au

Ectoplasum smells sweet, like really sweet

Shedding causes Danny's scars to fade to the point if you aren't looking super closely you won't see them

While shedding danny becomes an adorable grump

Danny (permanently) has long almost elf like ears that can move like any animal's (ie: pinned back when angry or hunting, drooping down when sad, or pircking up when happy) but when in human form there shorter

His eyes can dilate on command

He can still use all of his ghost powers and still has Ectoplasum as blood & in his "humam?" Form he has the red-purplie blood like a Naga

His "human" half has been sorta replaced by the Naga half so the snake tail is kinda permanent, he can shape shift tho it takes a lot of power

His tail is very strong as its huge and has a lot of muscle due to Danny training

Naga Danny can slither Up to 52mph but can fly even faster

He can still turn into his human looking half but he still has the whole snake tail and in this form his body looks like it did when human and his tail is reversed except for the belly so the snake tail & scales are all white

He is the ghost king ever since defeating phara

Danny has a slow metabolism but still requires a lot of food due to being a Naga

Danny permanently has snake-like pupils

(This one is a bit sad)
Danny & Jazz's parents were super neglectful so Jazz basically raised Danny

Just like many other depictions of ghosts Danny has an aura, but instead of creepy he normally has a calming aura, tho he can change his aura

You don't want to try to wake Danny up cus reflexes

Danny became a halfa at 15 instead of 14 and was captured at 17

Danny is very much gay

Now for the DC headcannons/facts for the au

Due to the fact that Jason died that one time he can also sorta sense ghosts (he gets chills way before anyone else does) but he is not a halfa

In this au Roy is not a clone and all of that plot never happened

Roy acts like a big brother to Nightwing(aka Dick Grayson) & Kid Flash(aka wally)

Wally & Roy are the only ones of the team that know Nightwing's real identity

Nightwing still has nightmares of the night his parents died

Jason also has some nightmares of when he died but not very often thankfully

You don't want to wake them up cause they have the reflexes to pin you down. Painfully.

The whole team minus any of the much younger teammates basically adopted beast boy as a little brother

Wally is still a bit of an ass because of his scientific heart, but not that big of an ass

Due to the fact that Aqualad comes for Atlantis he is well versed in mythical creatures

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