Trouble In Naharaja Forest pt4

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Look at the cutie ^w^




"He then sighed and went to lay on the rock again, but noticed us and stared wide-eyed"
(Aqualad started to swim up the river towards the lake)
(1 minute before him shouting, he was awake just chillin)
(Danny's Pov)

It felt nice with the small cleaner fish eating the shed getting it off, the shed was starting to get itchy but suddenly a fish bit my tail
I screeched grabbing and throwing the fish across the lake nailing it on a rock, probably killing it, oh well.

Sighing and going to lay back down something catches my eye, the three people that chased me

I was scared, no terrified.

They saw me
I hoped to clockwork that they hadn't seen my tail

They had seen it earlier, if they saw it now I don't know what their reaction would be

I calmed a bit after the tall one that had a black & blue costume with a bird symbol on the front waved at me, a bit hesitantly

*they probably saw me throw the fish*

I waved back a bit, wanting to sink into the water and disappear until they went away.

Looking around for anyone else that could be around I see another person swimming through the water in the river, he surfaced after looking at me my tail in perfect view from where he is, he looks at the group of people and they seem to have a conversation without actually talking.

I'm stairing at both the group and the person that appears to have gills, my tail unwrap its self from the rock preparing to bolt if need be

Then the person with the gills, started to approach me slowly, when he was about 20 feet away he started to talk to me

"Hello my name is Aqualad, who are you?" He asked stopping in place after I hissed slightly, tensing up not used to interacting with anyone but animals and the occasional ghost or other creature.

After taking a shallow breath in
"Ph-Phant-tom" I whispered a bit nervous talking to someone new

He seemingly had another silent conversation without looking at the others this time

"Well Phantom we are going to need you to come with us" Aqualad spoke calmly, I really didn't, really really didn't I wanted to stay here, away from people, away from my past, away to a place where I was safe for the first time in years.
So what did I do? I ran, I dove underwater while you might think I was swimming but I was actually flying to make sure I was fast enough to escape

This seemingly surprised the four people that were nearby but I was focused on getting away, hiding away again

To be continued in next chapter ➡️

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