That Fateful Day pt1

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Switching pov's for this set of chapters (sorry)




(Danny's pov)

Its been 2 years, 11 months, 3 weeks, 2 no 3 days. Since I was taken to this GIW facility, since since I saved the world, since I last saw the sun, moon, or stars, since my family was murdered, right before me...... I wonder if anyone misses me? Human or Ghost, or reason, at this point I really don't care-

I was shaken from my thoughts when an Agent banged on the door to my cell.
Yelling for me to wake up and be prepared for some new expirement they were going to try out.

I didn't budge not like it would matter anyway, I couldent move from the spot due to the chain attached to the damn collar blocking my powers.

"I see the Scum is awake, you better be prepared for this new experiment we are going to try on ya."
The agent sneered as he & another agent walked in to un-chain me from the wall, they so 'kindly' chained me to every time we came back here to my cell.

Still refusing to move, the agent grabbed the chain pulling me closer to him so he could detach to chain from the collar


The chain sounded when impacting with the floor

After which the other agent grabs me by under the arm to roughly drag me through those endless seeming white halls that smelled of Antiseptics, Blood, & Ectoplasum.
Bringing me to the room where the experiments of the day would take place.

"what they will do this time?" I wondered while the agent punched in the combination to the door, causing it to open with a loud wooshing noise a few seconds after he hit 'enter' on the keypad

Inside there was the table that they would strap me to every time they ingected something into me or every time they cut me open to 'check up on' my insides.

I haven't figured out whats so interesting in there anyway, I wonder if they just do it for fun?
Not like i would be surprised, they seem to do a lot to me for fun...

But near the far wall there were many machines used to test me, well technically torture, but its not I can feel pain right? *chuckles* I think I'm going insane...

To be continued in next chapter ➡️

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