Nightmares pt2

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Thank you pixiepheonix for basically making this chapter happen, you really helped me here.

(Warning this might suck, because writers block can just go and suck some rocks in a ditch IMO)





"and like a cornered animal, fought for what he thought would be his half-life"
(3rd person)

While the two walked closer to Danny, who had adrenaline pumping through his core, slowly unraveled stuck in another lucid ptsd flashback, probably triggered by the sedative enduced nightmares.

Danny, pupils slitted, tightened his tail muscles preparing to fight

After a few more steps towards Danny growled getting closer to the ground as if ready to pounce

Superboy and Nightwing stopped recognizing that he was ready either to fight or run away, he also also seemed to be somewhere else as his eyes where unfocused or would focus on something that wasn't there

Superboy was the one to get closer to Danny (as he was the one that could take more of a punch)

Superboy made sure to move slowly, crouched to the ground to try to seem non-threatening as possible

The closer Superboy got to danny the louder the growling got and some hisses got as well

But Superboy got too close, Danny spun around knocking the krypton into the wall with his tail, which to (almost, just guess who knew that Naga's were strong as hell? /: ) everyone's surprise left a pretty big dent in the wall

Superboy quickly got on his knees still trying to seem unthreatening and as soon as he did Danny backed up still growling & hissing at the hero's, tears now welling up in his eyes,
as what he saw was his own so called parents with GiW agents beside them, his family behind them DEAD, lifeless corpses, their eyes a lifeless dull color of their original color

Danny ducked down putting his hands on his head, as if protecting his head from somthing, closing his eyes and muttering quietly while crying slightly, shaking, and hyperventilating quietly

*No, no no no no no no no no No NO, not them please, no not again, please wake up!*
"come b-back, I need you g-guys... come b-back please......... l-leave me alone ple-lease, I'm not e-evil, I-I'm n-not ev-evil-l please be-belive m-me"

(Superboy's Pov)

Apparently Phantom has a lot of strength despite being really really light, but despite the fact that they put an actual dent into the wall with me he still seems somewhere else,

*Wait are those tears? Why is he crying?*

Standing back up Phantom backed up still growling and hissing at me, his eyes flickered to another side of the room, past Nightwing at something that it seems no one else can sense

His eyes dilated more tears welled up is his eyes, he had a look of sadness and fear(?) in his expression

Phantom quickly ducked down closer to the ground his head on the ground and hands in his hair as if protecting his head from something or someone, his eyes closed tears falling to the ground

The Trumming picked up in Frequency & Pace, His breathing became shallow and fast paced

He started shaking slightly, a bit more than before when he was curled up earlier

A bit of time passed, Phantoms eyes opening and then snapping shut again tears falling with each blink

He began to mutter
His voice did have a slight echo to it, he kept muttering, and what he was saying was unexpected to say the least, his tone and expression showing fear and sadness

"come b-back, I need you g-guys... come b-back please......... l-leave me alone ple-lease, I'm not e-evil, I-I'm n-not ev-evil-l please be-belive m-me"

What does he mean come back? And who would think he's evil?? This is weird, just what was his past?

He began to repeat those few sentences over and over, his voice hitching as he cried, scratch that sobbed, but his volume didn't increase he kept his voice small and quiet

I don't think anyone else caught what he was muttering to seemingly someone else that again didn't exist

Nightwing suddenly pushed pass me kneeling down next to Phantom

(3rd person Pov)

Nightwing took in a small breath to calm his nerves before putting his hand on Phantoms head and slowly stroking Phantoms pearly white hair

Phantom stopped moving, muttering, and even breathing for a second or two, his eyes wide and teary, before moving away so fast that he slammed into the wall behind himself

Danny was pushed against the wall propped up on his tail trying to stay away from Nightwing

Sliding down the wall danny continued to have his breakdown his hands now on his mouth trying to hold in his sobs, an old habit of his from even before getting captured by The GiW who yelled at (and hit) him if they heard sobs, but honestly any sound from him would make them
Sorry I'm cutting the chapter short here! I wanted to get this out but school and life in general have been getting in the way

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