Trouble In Naharaja Forest pt2

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(Nightwings pov)

As the team and I arrived at the reserve, an employee ran up to us seeming panicked

"Oh thank the gods your here, we have a giant- pant -snake thats disrupting the- pant -ecosystem and scaring away all the animals from it, And every time we locate it- pant -it dissappears in the blink of an eye- pant --"
the agent panted out before being interrupted by their radio going off loudly reporting


"- Pant -please help us we've been trying to capture it"
the employee finished before running off towards the sanctuary building

After a moment of silence due to the team mulling over the info they basically just got thrown st them

"Alright team, we should probably split up to cover more distance in the forest" Aqualad spoke up breaking the silence

"I have a map so we can decide who would be best for each area" I added pulling up the hologram of the map

"Aqualad & Impulse could you check out the rivers & lakes?" I started
"Sure!" Bart excitedly answered Kaldur just nodded with a small smile

"Miss Martin & Blue Beatle could you two watch from the sky?"
Megan & Jamie happily agreed

"Superboy would you and wolf walk around the forest incase wolf can catch a sent"
Conner roughly nodded his head and Wolf shook himself as if he got wet

"Kid Flash can you run around the parameter of the reserve incase the ghost snake trys to escape the premises"
"Sure I could use a run" Wally quipped back

"Artemis could you keep an eye on the sanctuary building incase the snake trys to get in there?"
Artemis uninterestedly nodded before going back to looking at the forest

"Alright so that leaves Me, Beastboy, and Cyborg to wander through the forest, Cyborg could you check for any ultraviolet colors if the snake has any, Beastboy could you use your instincts to help us search and I can check for any heat signatures"
Cyborg & Beastboy fistbumped with wide smiles

After Miss Martin set up the mind link we all headed out to search for the ghost snake

To be continued in next chapter ➡️

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