Welcome to the mountain

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"*why was he so light? He weighted almost nothing, and he was super cold. his heart beat was slow and quiet, is it because he is a Naga or is it something else?*"
(Nightwings Pov)

We arrived at the mountain, Canary was waiting for us near the landing area, while Super Boy picked up Phantom I went to talk to Canary

"How did the mission go?" She asked as I jogged over to her

"Went well, didn't blow anything up this time! But the 'creature' is not what anyone thought." I responded looking back at the Bio ship waiting for everyone to get out

"What do you mean?" She asked also looking at the Bio ship

"You'll see" I whispered to her as I saw Miss Martin exit

A few seconds later Super Boy walked out of the Ship Holding Phantom who's tail was haphazardly wrapped around Conners shoulders and he was cuddling into Conners chest as if he small child

Looking back at Canary she seemed a bit shocked

"His name is Phantom, and we had to sedate him to get him here" I said before she spoke

"I see... well let's get him to the medbay incase he has any injuries, or if something happens" she said after a few seconds of silence

(Canary's pov)

"So how did you mission go?" I asked Nightwing while the team got off the Bio ship

"Went well, didn't blow anything up this time! But the 'creature' is not what anyone thought." Nightwing answered doing quotation marks while saying Creature, I was a bit proud that they didn't blow anything up, but I was also confused and a bit concerned  on what he meant

"What do you mean?" I ask again now looking at the Bio ship

"You'll see" he whispered not removing his gaze from the ship

A few seconds later I see Super Boy exit the Bio ship, holding a person that was cuddling into his chest, the person had a snake tail the was haphazardly wrapped around Super boy's shoulders, white hair that seemed to flow, and long elf-like ears

After a few seconds of Silence, Nightwing speaks shocking me out of the silence
"His name is Phantom, and we had to sedate him to get him here"

"I see... well let's get him to the medbay incase he has any injuries, or if something happens" I replied still processing the info

(Connors pov)

After arriving back at the mountain, I went back to where I laid Phantom down

He seemed to still be asleep, Carfully picking him back up, wrapping his tail back over my shoulder

After walking a few steps, he made a small sound like a "mmmrrrrr" from a cat, while he cuddled into my chest.

~Time skip because Danny is too cute~

(Dick/Nightwing's pov)

A few hours later after the medbay was set up, a loud crash came from the room


(A/N how hard did you guys think Connor was blushing on the inside, when Danny cuddled into him?)

To be continued in next chapter ➡️

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