That Fateful Day pt2

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Thank you pixiepheonix
For the idea of how danny became a Naga, thank them in the comments please!)

"But near the far wall there were many machines used to test me, well technically torture, but its not I can feel pain right? *chuckles* I think I'm going insane..."
(3rd person pov)

As Danny got dragged through the Ectoplasum stained room towards the table in the middle of the room, then being shackled by the wrists & then the Ankles, all while his so called (ex)'parents' watched on through a one-way glass wall, preparing their notes pads for the days first expirement.

"Alright Jack have you prepared the Naga blood?" Maddie said almost too smoothly

"Yep its all ready to go" Jack said a hint of joy is his voice as he watched two scientists carry the Naga blood through a hospital style double door

"I wonder what it will do Madds, I heard it causes humans to become stronger" Jack said almost buzzing in excitement

"Let's hope it doesn't cause it to become a Naga, it would ruin our specimen" Maddie sneered the 6th word as if angry at danny for existing, which is sadly probably true

"If it does we can just get rid of it, in some forest" Jack almost comforted Maddie about it

After the little conversation & when the agents the dragged danny to the table left the room. The two scientists entered through a door on the opposite side of the one danny & the agents entered through.

The scientists carrying a couple of packs of red-purplie blood, a machine on wheels with a pickline connected to it, & some tape

After a moment of the scientists setting some of the equipment up they both started looking for a vein but opting for the ones near the Danny's wrist, stabbing the veins with a needle causing him to whimper in pain. After the needle drew some shimmering Ectoplasum, they connected the needle up to the strange machine.

Then they connected the blood bags to the machine, after which they flipped some switches, hit some buttons, & set a timer.
After which they quickly fled back through the door they entered.

After around 2 minutes a low beep was heard, which then the machine wirred to life sucking the blood from the bags, the some clicks & all that could be heard after the blood was being pumped into danny, was screams, loud screams as if someone was being dipped in acid and their nerves weren't dissolved along with the flesh.

To be continued in next chapter ➡️

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