Nightmares pt1

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"A few hours later after the medbay was set up, a loud crash came from the room"
(In the Nightmare, Danny's pov)
*More like memory- Danny*

I was on the battle field, the place I fought Pariah Dark, the place he did a surprise attack on the town I used to call home.
I had won, Pariah was back in the Sarcophagus of Eternal Sleep, and was going to be thrown into the black void in the Ghost Zone.

I was tired, I was sitting down laying my back on a small piece of rubble that was from the one building that was destroyed.
The town was evacuated and safe not around for miles

Then I heard the sound of footsteps, looking around I see my Friends, and my Sister, running towards me after they got close they hugged me, they were crying but they were tears of joy

Then on the edge of my hearing I heard the screeching of tires, then opening of doors, then screaming the screaming of they true family

I saw blood, I started to cry, but they were already dead

My so-called parents started to run towards me, I thought they were going to help my family

But instead they shot a Ecto-Net at me locking me down on the ground, I wanted to scream but my voice was gone from having to use my ghostly wail to defeat Pariah

Then it went dark

I was now strapped to that damn Metal table that I knew for close to 3 year, Maddie and Jack walked in sadistic smiles plastered on their faces

I was dissected the muzzle was tight and made me clostrphobic.

It went on for what felt like hours

Then everything was white as if nocturne was making fun of me,
But then I was awake,

I was laying on somthing soft? I was confused what was I laying on? I couldn't be with the GIW they would never let me be comfortable

Bolting up I saw I was in a medical styled room, no, nono, nononono.

*calm down danny your not back there your on a bed, the GIW are not kind enough to give anyone a bed*

(3rd person pov)

After a few seconds danny dozed off again still being sleepy due to the sedatives Artemis had given him

But the Nightmares returned this one was of Dan


While he didn't have the snake tail both in reality and dream, danny was not a Naga in his Nightmares,
and he was so emursed in the dreams he never realized that in reality, he was safe from ever being the Monster that was called Dan.



Danny promptly threw himself against a wall in panic

(he was trying to dodge a blast from Dan)

Slowly curling up into a ball danny quietly starts to shake holding himself, trying to calm down from the nightterrors that plagued him during his sedated sleep

A few seconds later the door that led to the rest of the mountain opened with a wooshing sound

The team looking around the room, the bed that danny was laid on while he was asleep was on its side the bedding side facing danny who was obscured by the bed from where the team was

The first one to walk closer to Danny was Conner, who heard the whimpers coming from the large ball of black scales that was shaking

The second was Nightwing (aka Dick) who was slightly worried about Phantom 'for some unknown reason'

(*cough cough* he's cute *cough* *cough cough* Your gay is showing guys *cough* anyone hear that? No just me?)

Approaching him turned out to not be a good idea because as soon a the two got close, danny started to panic,

and like a cornered animal, fought for what he thought would be his half-life

To be continued in next chapter ➡️

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