Trouble In Naharaja Forest pt3

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(Sorry for the switching pov's)

"After Miss Martin set up the mind link we all headed out to search for the snake"
(Nightwings pov)

As Me, Beastboy, & Cyborg walked through the forest plenty of fauna passed us by,
some Peacocks, flew by over head then a couple of wolf's looked on towards a tree that was surrounded by some weird partials
It was weird to say the least but then the heat sensors picked something up from the tree, it looked like some mass and it was cold but it was clearly moving and alive, then it slithered away clearly showing that it was a huge snake as it had uncoiled, couldn't see the head ass it stayed just out of sight.

We chased after it, but it completely disappeared off of all our radars
"Hey guys?" Beastboy spoke up suddenly
"Yeah Beastboy?" I asked him looking hoping to see if it was still around
"Did that snake seem off to you guys?" Beastboy asked almost shivering
"Other then its heat signature being around 8° not really" I answered
"No it was just weird it seemed to go through objects" Cyborg answered scanning for it as well
"My animal instincts were being weird like something was making it a lot more dangerous than a snake that size would be, im a little scared to be honest" Beastboy said seeming on high alert

~Time skip brought to you by the author not knowing what to write next for the seen~
(Danny's pov)

I can't catch a damn break can I?!

First I get put in this forest as a Naga, and then people that run a sanctuary nearby find me and try to catch me, And NOW they send some people that are also probably trying to catch me!

I just want to shed is peace is that too much!?

Maybe some soaking in the lake would help me relax...

Heading towards the secluded lake that I woke up next too when I first got here, what was it? 2 years ago? Yeah it was 2 years ago

Quickly slithering into the lake toward the rock close to shore all the fish that lived in the water moving out of the way
Wrapping my tail around the rock scratching off a bunch of my shed, the shed floating down the river connected to the lake, the shed coming off feels really nice in the cool water, and falling into a small nap as the small fish nibbled at the shed
(Aqualads pov)

Searching the rivers something catches my eye, shed snake skin caught on a rock

Picking it up, it is clearly a black color, but the scales are big, really big for a snake

It was also cold, colder than the water around, as if they were made of ice

"We think we spotted the snake it was huge from what we could see, it was black with a white underbelly and has a icy body temperature, it was quite fast and got away" I heard from Nightwing through the mind link
(Nightwing's pov)

After searching some more of the forest, continuing to look for the heat signature of the snake. We came across a clear blue lake with a waterfall

And there was a figure in the lake holding onto a rock seemingly asleep looking a bit closer they have white hair that seemed to flow with a breeze, pale skin with something on the crook of their neck & hands, and long elf like ears.

"Beastboy could you check on that person?" I asked a bit worried that the person might be injured

"Nah man, my animal instincts are saying to stay out of the water" Beastboy spoke staring at the figure

"Cyborg could you scan them?" I asked and but weirded out that Beastboy had a similar seeming feeling to earlier

"They are a bit to far out to scan, but from what I can see he is asleep and seemingly has scales on his shoulders & hands" Cyborg said seeming a bit confused by the situation

Suddenly we heard a surprised yelp as a fish got flung out of the water toward the rocks

Looking toward the person who was now away and had a almost angry look on his face and was surprisingly out of the water despite not holding on to the rock
He then sighed and went to lay on the rock again, but noticed us and stared wide-eyed

To be continued in next chapter ➡️

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