Trouble In Naharaja Forest pt1

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(Naharaja Forest Reserve
*Na-har-ah-zgu-ah* is just some place I made up cause I needed to name the place where danny was near, I literally just used an online generator for zoo names for the name and edited it a bit)

This is the overhead map!

This is the overhead map!

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Please remember the following: The whole team minus any of the much younger teammates basically adopted beast boy as a little brother, I am not shipping the bean ok?

BTW when Danny sheds his scars when with the shed, and when he sheds he can get super grumpy, like "look at me the wrong way and I'll knock you out"

⏳2yr after the last chapter⏳

(Nightwing's pov)

The team & I has been called to the meeting room for a new mission
As me, Impulse, Ma'gann, & Beastboy walked towards the meeting room Beastboy was looking at his phone

*which he never went anywhere without it due to him going through a tech faze, its quite cute when he gets excited about finding stuff on there* Nightwing thought almost chuckling when thinking the last part

After a few turns they all arrived at the meeting room every one was in there, Super Boy aka Connor Kent with Wolf,
Kid Flash aka Wallance (Wally) west,
Aqualad aka Kaldur,
Blue Beatle aka Jamie Reyes
Cyborg I don't know his real name tho, &
Artemis aka well... Artemis,
Then we have some league members
Batman on the opposite side of the room
Martin Manhunt in-between the two
Along side Black Canary & Wonder Woman

Wow this mission must be important...

"Alright team we are getting some calls from a nature reserve about a creature we need you to go there, find, capture, & bring the creature back here. the reserve will give more info on the creature, the reserve is called Naharaja Forest Reserve" Bruce stated in his usual deep voice that sounded like a growl 24/7 when being batman
but when not dealing with the BS of Gotham, he has a nice soft voice that could calm the soul of even a dead ww1 soldier

"The league and I minuse canary & Martin Manhunter will be gone on an off-world mission so kindly don't blow anything up on this one mission " Superman almost begs the team

"We will try our best" I Sass getting a small glare from Bats

After a small discussion the league members left towards the Zeta-Tubes

Leaving the team & I alone in the meeting room


"Anyone want to bet what kind of animal it is?" Wally inquired pulling out his phone probably to write it down

"Depends what kind of bet?" Conner asked not looking up from petting Wolf

"Food" Wally quickly answered

"Why didn't I expect that?" Jamie asked himself

"Eh. Sure why not, I bet a family sized bag of chips on some sort of huge snake" I said typing the name of the Reserve to find where it is

"I bet a bowl of popcorn its some alien!" Bart said excited

Some canine- Jamie
Canine?... oh a dog!- Megan
I'll also go with a snake- Connor
I agree with Jamie- Artemis
Bird- Roy & Tim
I hope its actually a robot!- Cyborg
Aqualad didn't make a bet Beastboy also didn't make a bet he was just excited to go to a forest reserve
I'll also go with alien- wally said last

After wally finished typing the bets in we all walked to the bio-ship preparing for the mission

To be continued in next chapter ➡️

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