In The Wild (That Fateful Day final pt)

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"The agent hopped into the back carefully picking up danny and carrying him out of the vehicle and into the forest, placing him down near a small lake & unknowingly also near a forest reservation."
(Danny's pov)

*The last thing I remember was screaming my lungs out cause of whatever the GIW pumped into me and pain yeah a lot of pain...
Why can I feel a breeze? And why can't I feel my legs?!*

Danny thought finally waking from his drug enduced sleep with a startle

"Uhhg, oh man did anyone catch the license of the car that hit me?"
Danny said sitting up eyes closed still unaware of his knew form

Danny then opens his eyes looking up toward the sky

"Am I outside? Oh wow my throat hurts... but I'm outside! Does that mean I'm free?"

Danny feels his throat

"My collar is gone! Why is my hand so smooth?"

Danny now lifts hand towards his face eye sight still blurry and not seeing the tail

"Why do I have scales on my hand?"

Danny's eye sight now clears up and he looks down


Danny yelled so loud many birds flew away

"SO Thats why I can feel my legs! Ohhhh my gods ohhhhhh no oh no no nonono, thats probably what happened during that experiment...... well shit I'm a Naga"

Danny thought out loud to himself

"Uhhh how do I move this damn thing?? Why am I asking? No ones going to answer!"
"Alright 3... 2... 1..."

Danny then stood up to the best of his ability being a Naga
Then slithering over to the small lake which had a nice waterfall

then falling down not being used to the whole 'not having legs thing'

"Ow..." Danny whimpered both figuratively & litteraly

Danny then looks into the water stairing at his reflection

First at his hair it now flowing at some ends it still being stained red & green due to the years of being with the GIW

Then at his neck specifically at the scales now shielding part of his neck & shoulders each scale were obre white at the tips turing to that black except the ones on the top of his shoulders & in the middle of the circles of scales were just that black color

Then at his ears they were longer then before *not that they were short to begin with my ghost form* Danny thought to himself

Then finally at his own eyes his pupils now ovals with pointed tips seeing that Danny gasped causing his pupils to dilate to slits calming down a bit they returned to being ovals with pointed tips

Being satisfied with how he looked like with at least his face & neck that is he sat up again to the best of his abilities in this new forms

Then he studied his human part of his body his scars still being there but more healed that how he last saw them,
his body built like a swimmers instead of bulky but still being well trained due to how hard the obstacle courses worked him,
His hands & part of his forearms were covered in smooth scales that were colored like his old costume but were obre white on his hands but turned to that black color the closer to his elbow they got, his fingers were now claws the places the scales cover still flexible as ever thankfully

But then he looked at where his tail started the scales on his belly different than the ones surrounding them they were differently shaped after the first layer that merged the skin to the tail and they were colored differently they were white while all the other scales being that black color
All of his scales were shiny as if made of gems they reflect light just like opaque gems

*they are quite pretty* Danny thought to himself,
before leaning down to take a drink of the clear water, which was probably the best tasting water he's had in years

"Ahhhhhhhh, thats better. Now what should I do? Well I guess other than find food since I already have a source of water. But other than that I guess I could explore" Danny muttered to himself quickly deciding to find some source of food that wouldn't be too far from where he woke up
~Time Skip brought to you by a very clumsy Danny trying to figure movement out~

After finding a apple tree a few feet away in the thick forest Danny noticed that it was now sunset and climbed up a tree not far away and curled his tail around the branch & fell asleep not to long later

Still unaware of civilization not that far away
Should danny date anyone?
Ps: he is very much gay

I may have edited some of the ages cause yeah, also I will not do Beast boy, Impulse, Tim, or Damien. 16, 13, 19, & 14 respectively

Remember this is not only a crossover but a au as well so some characters relationships may be different

Danny after the team finds him: 22

Dick (Nightwing): 25

Conner (Super boy): technically 25 but actually 9 (don't make it weird, I know k?)

Roy (Red Arrow): 28

Jason (Red Hood): 31

Jamie (Blue Beatle): 22

Or no one?


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