Negan's Lineup Part 2

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"How would you feel about going on a little trip with me, beautiful?" Negan smiles extending his hand to me. The look in his eyes shows the hunger brewing deep inside his soul. I stare back at him, silently, as everyone watches and waits for my response.

"You don't have to be afraid, I don't bite" his voice is calm and his smile becomes bigger. The pressure of the situation makes it hard to come up with a decision. Everyone is counting on me to do the right thing, none of us can afford to lose another loved one. "Promise, that you won't hurt my family" I finally speak as I reach for his hand.

"Okay, sweetheart, I promise" he helps me up and pulls me into his chest.

"No! y/n don't do this!" Daryl yells still under the gun of one of the saviors. The pain in his voice is enough to bring tears to my eyes. "I'm sorry, Daryl but it's the only way" I try to explain to him with a look of guilt plastered all over my face. I can't be selfish anymore, Negan is a psycho, if I don't go with him he will for sure kill one of us.

"Enough of that emotional shit, we got some fun to get too!" He wraps his arms around my waist and walks me to the RV. I go willingly but a river of tears still flow down my face. "Take them back to their home, and if anyone tries anything, I give anyone permission to put a bullet through their skull." He orders his men as he opens the door and closes it behind me.

"Come sit up here with me" Negan pats the passenger seat next to him. I hesitantly follow his command and lean back in the chair.

"Where are you taking me?" I ask him as he starts the engine.

"The Sanctuary," he answers nonchalantly.

"What is that? And why are you taking me there". For a moment he says nothing as he begins to drive. He then looks at me out the side of his eye and speaks, "it's my home, I built it from the ground up, now it's your home too".

I instantly jump up from my seat, realizing that he's planning on taking me back to his community. "Are you crazy? Take me back home now!" I yell sternly with my hands placed on my hips.

Negan mischievously chuckles then slams on the brake, sending me flying forward towards the dashboard, luckily I catch myself before my face makes contact with the windshield.

"Sit down and put your seatbelt on" he looks down at me as a struggle to my feet. When I finally manage to stand again, I sit back in my seat and fasten my seat belt. What an asshole, I think to myself and roll my eyes.

The rest of the ride is dead silent until we reach the mysterious compound that I have never seen before.

"Welcome home, baby!" He yells throwing his arms into the air. A big smile spreads across his face, watching my reaction. My eye search my surroundings and scan the large intimidating building up and down. Negan springs out of his seat and grabs me by the arm tugging me out of the RV. I'm at a loss for words, I never would have thought that he would have a whole base filled with dozens of people.

"What, Cats got your tongue? Tell me what you think!" he says practically jumping for joy. "It's umm, its m-more than I thought it would be"
"Well let me show you around then!"

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