Auditioning For Negan (SMUT)

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"What's the problem today y/n?", Negan sits across the coffee table from the upset woman.

"The men around here are creeps and wannabe idiots that are trying to be you", she is annoyed by all the unwanted advances. The whole point of this meeting is to make him aware of their behavior.

"And what do you want me to do about it? Being in charge of a community is a lot of work, I don't have time to fix everyone's problems" he relaxes in his chair.

Her blood boils that he's not taking this seriously, "I know but they're your men. They act entitled to everything."

Negan chuckles, "Honey, they are. They're putting their asses on the line for all of us. They deserve respect"

"I understand that and I do respect them but they harass me. I can't even take a shower without one of them trying to get a peak"

As she gets more heated, he turns his gaze to her breast. The way she breathes heavily causes a slight jiggle. "You're a very beautiful girl, I can't blame them for looking, shit looking at you with clothes on does something to me." Negan licks his lips, imagining what she looks like naked.

"Please just make it stop," she begs desperately.

"I can try but I make no promises", he plays mind games with the woman. If she wants his help it will come with a cost.

y/n becomes visibly saddened, her lips quiver and her eyes become glassy.   

Negan moves to the spot on the couch next to her, "Come on, quit the pouting. I have a proposition for you." his hand runs up her bare leg.

"I'm going to give you the chance to audition to be one of my wives. You won't have to worry about them anymore. Now stand up." he tugs at her arm.

The woman doesn't quite know how to react but she follows his orders anyway.  If you're given this chance, you can't pass it up.

"Damn you are fucking hot! Strip down to your underwear and bend over" Negan checks her out from all angles.

Her hands slowly undress her, she moves in a sensual way that no man can resist. Once her panties are down, He smacks her ass so hard it leaves a red mark. "Hmm, have any of my men ever touched you like this?"

She stays bent over the table, "No, they just look".

"Well sweetheart I'm a toucher." his hands repeatedly smack her until she moans in pain.

"I've had my eye on you for a while, when Simon told me you wanted to speak with me I couldn't pass that up. I couldn't give a shit what most workers have to say" Negan grips a handful of her ass.

"So if I do this I can be your wife?", y/n wants clarification on the matter. If she's going to have sex with him she needs to be sure it will be worth it.

He unbuckles his belt and drops his pants to his knees, "If you do good, Yes." Moans escape the woman's lips when fingers press against her, "God you are wet, you must've been thinking of this for a while. I'm going to make your dreams come true".

Without warning his fingers are replaced with his cock. In one swift motion, he's inside her,
"Damn you are tight, sweet pea. Exactly how I like em" he squeezes her hips.

She can hardly catch her breath from how hard he fucks her. The coffee table shakes as if it's going to collapse under the pressure.

The sounds of sex fill the room, they both shamelessly enjoy every second of it.

Unexpectedly there's a knock on the door,
"Negan we just got the message that Rick and his crew are on their way here" a voice calls out but is ignored.

"Negan!" They urgently bang again.

"I heard you Simon, fuck off!" he frustratedly yells back. 

The woman snaps out of the orgasmic trance,
"Should you go?" she tries to be responsible in this situation.

"Not until I finish in you" he grips a hand full of her hair.

"It feels so good," she whispers under her breath. Negan takes it as a cue to go even harder.

"Then cum for me baby." he kisses down her neck. The warm wet sensation takes her to new levels of ecstasy. She hadn't felt anything like this in years. Together they both reach their climax, their screams echo loudly.

For a moment he stays inside her, He rests his head on her back. The creamy hot fluid pours out of her pussy and drips onto the floor.

Y/n mind comes back to her, and she panics realizing that they just had unprotected sex. Negan notices her body tense with worry.

"Calm down I got neutered in my early twenties. How do you think I've gone this long without getting one of my wives pregnant?" He pats her ass once again then pulls his pants up.

A huge wave of relief comes over her, "Did I do good?" She looks at him with hope.

"Fuck yeah! I haven't cummed that hard in weeks. Congratulations you're wife number 7" he plants a kiss on her cheek.

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