Daddy Issues Part 1

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Meghan is Negan's nineteen-year-old daughter, being raised by the most badass man in the apocalypse has made her sheltered. Now that she's maturing she finally wants to do more grown-up activities but of course, her father won't let her. Instead of continuing to be his good girl, she's rebelling.

The blazing Virginia sun shines down on the Sanctuary. It's the middle of the afternoon so everyone's up and working. Meghan was able to convince Dwight to show her how to use a gun. It was against Negan's wishes but he took the chance considering it could save her life one day.

"See, this is where the bullets go", he points to the barrel of the pistol.

The girl gazes at his muscular arms, she can't be bothered to pay attention to what he's teaching. All she can think of is how jealous she is of Sherry, the woman that had the chance to be with him.

Dwight babbles on and on about gun safety and proper use. She studies how his lips move, they draw her in.

Meghan grabs his face with both her hands and smooches him with passion. The kiss is wild and wet.

"Meghan what the hell are you doing?" he pushes her away from him. She almost falls but is able to catch her footing.

His hesitancy isn't so much of a surprise. "Come on, Dwight. I know you like me" she tries to get close to him again but he takes a step back.

It's nearly traumatizing for the man. Dwight just doesn't see her that way even if he did, it still would never happen. "Listen I don't know what's gotten into you but you need to stop. What you're doing right now can get me killed." he frantically checks his surroundings to make sure no one saw.

She rolls her eyes, "You're being overdramatic". The girl's immaturity blinds her from seeing reality.

Dwight shoves the pistol into his pocket, "It's not just about that. I can't trust you, all it takes is for you to get pissed at me and go running to your daddy." he begins to walk away but the nineteen-year-old stops him.

"I promise even if you made me mad, I wouldn't do that. I love you"

His eyes widen hearing those dreaded words. The savior marches back and aggressively gets into her face."No you don't. You want more attention from your dad and being with an older man is your way of imitating what you're missing"

Meghan gasps at the assertion, "Are you saying I have daddy issues?". It's one of the worst insults someone could ever say to her.

Dwight grins, "Exactly".

"Fuck you!" she shouts at him but it doesn't have much of an effect.

"You wish!" He struts off with satisfaction, leaving the irritating brat to deal with her own emotions.

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