Simon Saves A Female Worker

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The light from the full moon shines down brightly as I make my way from the clinic back to my room. It's been a long night helping sick patients and now it's finally time for me to catch up on some much-needed sleep.

I stagger through the compound carelessly until I hear someone call out to me. "Hey! Where are you going, girl?" A drunken man yells from behind me.

It must be someone on guard. Negan has this place on high alert as of lately. I turn around to see two saviors, both holding guns.

"I'm going to my room, I had to help out Dr.Carson" I explain myself while I eye the two men. Only one of them is drunk, the other is still sober.

"Are you sure? You don't want to lie to us, it won't end well for you" the more aware man threatens me.

His harsh response throws me off, making my voice shake as I try to answer him, "I'm not lying. You can ask him yourself"

The man chuckles and steps closer to me, "don't be so defensive. We're just doing our job"

"I understand that but I'm not doing anything wrong so I'm gonna be on my way now" I try to brush past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Hold up. We're not done questioning you yet" his breath hits my face.

I flinch smelling the strong stench of alcohol radiating from him."Fine. What else do you want to know?" I bitterly ask him with obvious frustration in my voice.

"Not so fast. We can't interrogate you out here, you need to come with us"

I look over to the drunk man, my face contorts into a confused expression. He's not talking any sense.

"Where?" I ask, somewhat in a bitchy tone.

The man breathes heavily and almost trips over himself as he hurries to snatch me." Shut up bitch, you're ours now" he yells into my ear causing me to immediately panic.

"Get off me!" I yell and fight back against him but there's no use. He's got a good grip on me.

The struggle between us is loud and alarming. I hope and pray for someone to overhear and help me.

"Shhh, calm down. He's drunk, don't worry about him. He won't hurt you but still, you need to come with us" The sober man tries to quiet us down, and just as he's able to pull us apart another voice is introduced.

"What do we have here?" Simon approaches us with his hands on his hips.

The two men both glance at each other uneasy, the drunk one nudges the sober one to take the lead.

"N-Nothing just following Negan's orders," he says nervously. Simon looks the three of us up and down then shakes his head. "Are his orders to harass girls in the middle of the night?"

"No, it's not like that. She was being suspicious" he grabs me by my arm again to make me seem like a prisoner but I won't let him get away with it.

"I was just going back to my room" I intervene to give my side of the story. I was doing nothing but minding my own business.

"You don't have to explain yourself. I see this situation as clear as day. You two thought you could bully her around" he chuckles ominously.

"Come on Si, give us a break. It's all in good fun" The drunk man tries to act cordial but Simon isn't having any of it. He looks at both of them with disgust then turns his attention to me.

"What's your name sweetheart?"

The question initially takes me by surprise, Simon is Negan's, right-hand man. That means he's super high up in the food chain. People like him usually don't care enough about us workers to ask us things like that.

"Chloe" I hesitantly answer him.

He smiles at me and then takes me by my hand, "nice to meet you Chloe, follow me".

Why does he want me to come with him? It's strange but I'm not going to say anything about it. I would rather be with him than with those two other guys.

"Negan needs to know about this. He doesn't put up with people abusing their power" he reassures me as we're walking through the Sanctuary.

Then it suddenly hits me. We're going to Negan's office.

"No, I don't want to be a bother. I'm fine, they didn't hurt me" I attempt to convince him to just let me go back to my room. Negan is intimidating I would do anything to not be in his presence.

Simon abruptly stops and gazes into my eyes almost like he's pleading with me."Please, don't argue. I'm trying to keep you and everyone else safe. Those creepy motherfuckers shouldn't be on guard duty"

I stare back with worry on my face. I can't bring myself to say anything but my body pulls away from him. It's like I don't even have control anymore. I want to trust what he saying but at the same time, the anticipation of seeing Negan is absolutely terrifying.

A couple of moments passed of me not saying anything. The awkward silence is only broken when Simon takes my hand again and continues to explain to me why I should tell Negan about what happened tonight.

I'm dreading having to do it but I know it's the right thing. Simon is only doing this to keep everyone safe. He knows how some of the guys around here can be and I must admit that after tonight my perspective on him is different than it was before. Maybe he does care about the people under him and maybe Negan does too.

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