Daddy Issues Part 2

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Meghan lays across her bed writing endless pages in her notebook each of them detailing all the men that she's interested in. Dwight isn't crossed off the list quite yet, he's number one. She wants to give it at least one more chance.

Without knocking on the door Simon enters,
"Hey, where's your dad" He asks without consideration of her personal space.

She gives him much deserved attitude, "I don't know, it's not like he tells me things anymore."

He turns to leave but an idea pops into her head, "Wait can I ask you a question?" Meghan jumps up from her bed.

"Go ahead"

"What do you think of Dwight?" The girl nervously fumbles with her fingers. She's been dying to get a second opinion but has been too afraid to ask.

Simon scratches his head, "Um, I'm not quite sure how to answer that. I don't have any issues with him but we're not best friends either" This isn't the question he would've ever thought she would ask.

Meghan continues to press the matter, "What do you think my dad would do if I dated him?"

The man's face goes pale, "Don't be ridiculous. You're Negan's little girl, that would never slide." The fastest way to scare any Savior is to mention the boss's daughter in an intimate context.

Her body flops back onto the bed, "But I have to grow up one day" she complains to him.

"Yes but that doesn't mean you should date Dwight. What makes you think he's a good candidate anyway?" Simon can't fathom why she believes this would be a good idea.

"Well my dad seems to trust him a lot. He's the third in command." The girl tries to explain herself but it can't be taken seriously.

"I'm the second in command, wouldn't that be even better?"

Meghan pauses, she's didn't considered Simon to be an option, "I never thought of it but maybe we-"

Before she can finish her sentence he interrupts her, "Oh God, I'm joking. I was just trying to show you how illogical your reasoning is." he laughs seeing how the girl couldn't pick up on sarcasm.

"Then who do you recommend?" She frustratedly sighs. The more time she spends figuring all this out, the more impatient she grows.

Simon shrugs, "Someone your age, Mark seems decent and I don't think Negan has any problems with him."

"Mark?", Meghan's eyes narrow hearing that name.

The man nods, "Yep, you two would make a cute couple" he condescendingly pats her on the head.

"But Mark is with Amber...." she recalls seeing them makeout the other day. It was in secret since she is one of Negan's wives.

"What?" He raises an eyebrow.

The girl quickly realizes that she shouldn't have mentioned it. "Never mind, forget I said anything." Meghan tries to skate past this but Simon is fully interested now.

"So Amber is cheating on Negan? That's juicy drama, he would be glad to know that", the smirk on his face spells trouble. 

"Simon! Don't do that. My dad's wives are already miserable" she can't help but feel bad for letting this information spread.

"Sorry princess I need to bring this to his attention. I promise I won't mention your name but I need to do this." His motives aren't entirely pure. Meghan knows that he's doing this to score extra points.

"Ok, tell him to go easy on her," she says as he walks out the door. A big ball of guilt forms in the pit of her stomach. If there is one thing she's good at it's saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

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