The Saviors Find A Woman

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Since the start of the apocalypse, twenty-five year old Sara has been a solo act. Being an orphan child she learned how to survive on her own. To ensure her safety she lives by a few rules, the most important being to avoid people as much as possible. Humans are more dangerous than walkers because they are calculated.

The sun has barely risen in the sky when she's shaken awake by the sounds of closing doors. Her eyelids shoot up and she springs out of her makeshift bed.

The place she calls home is an abandoned gas station, it has everything that she needs and is very secure. However, the downside is that it is a point of interest for those who run across it.

She quickly scurries to the window. Three old pickup trucks are waiting in front, a group of men scope out the place.

Sara relies on her normal protocol. She pushes all her most needed essentials into her duffle bag. Typically when this occurs she takes all that she can and flees the scene until it's safe to come back. This time she wouldn't be so lucky.

Before she can make her swift exit, the men knock down the front door.

"Shit" she whispers to herself. If she goes out of the back door now, it will catch their attention. Her only option is to hide.

Her brown eyes glance around frantically, a empty cabinet is the first thing she sees. She's able to fit her short body in effortlessly.

"Clear this place out! And be careful there might be walkers" a man calls out. Telling by the distance of the voice they haven't made it near her.

The gas stallion is separated into three main areas. There's a section for shopping, a cashier's booth, and a room that's somewhat hidden in the back of the building.

Sara is stuck waiting as the thieves rob the place, they converse amongst each other about how rare it is to find so many resources at once.

"There's another room back here", one of the voices announces.

Her heart races and her palms sweat when she hears him come in. All she can do now is pray he doesn't check the cabinets.

"Damn there's even more food," he says to himself as he rummages through her belongings.

Not long after, another pair of feet enter. To the woman's misfortune, he gets straight to checking every inch of the place, starting where she's hiding. Every muscle in her body clenches as the cabinet is opened and the light shines into her eye.

"Shit, we got a live one!" The blond man roughly yanks her out. She screams feeling as though her arm is about to be ripped off.

"D-don't hurt me please" she looks up to see the man has a side of his face burned.

Appearing almost instantly, all the men circle her. It's a five on one battle.

"Hurt you? Why would we do that? We're good people. I'm Simon, I come from a community called the Sanctuary. I'm sure you've heard of it before" the man offers his hand to her.

Reluctantly she accepts the help, "Never heard of him".

"That's alright, we'll take you to him" he smirks but everything about him reeks of bad news.

Sara shakes her head, "No I'm fine right here"

He doesn't take no for answer, "Sweetheart don't get too ahead of yourself. A girl like you isn't gonna make it out here." His voice gets darker almost sounding like a passive aggressive threat.

Despite being intimidated, she holds her ground. "I've made it this long", she proclaims proudly. She's not the type of girl that's ever needed a group.

"I understand that but you don't have a choice. It's the boss's orders, he demands we bring back anyone that seems like they can be useful"

Her ears perk up that the mention of a boss. She quickly realizes that there is more than what's meets the eye with this group. "How do I know I can trust you?" The woman raises a brow.

Simon shrugs, "You don't, you're gonna have to take a leap of faith."

The lackluster response does nothing to ease her worries but she knows these men aren't going to leave her alone. "Okay, it doesn't seem like there's any other option", she gives in to his wishes.

"That's the spirit! You're agreeable, Negan will definitely like you", he joyfully praises her for making the right decision.

The man in Khakis takes Sara to their trucks. It's the next chapter in her life, she could've never imagined ending up with a group like the Saviors. One thing growing up as an orphan taught her is how to adapt, it's a skill she's come to rely on in the coming months.

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