Daryl's GF is Pregnant

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I cautiously trek through the forest on my way to Daryl's place.  He's left Alexandria after Rick died. Everyone tried to convince him to stay but once he sets his heart on something, there's no changing his mind.

Off into the distance, I spot his motorcycle, I lightly jog over to find him heating fish over an open flame.

"What are you doing here, Lena?", he knows it's me without having to turn around.

"I just wanted to see how you're doing."

He flops his food into a bowl and sits down in the dirt. "I'm doing good, is there anything else you want?"

I sit next to him, "You should really think about coming home."

He gives one of his typical annoyed looks. I hoped that he would be ready to see his family by now but he's still acting carefree.

"Remember the last time you were in Alexandria, and we did... things" I push a strand of hair behind my ear awkwardly.

"You're still thinking about that? I told you, it was nothing. I don't want a relationship" he tells me without emotion.

"I know, but-"

"But what?" Daryl interrupts.

I roll my eyes, I thought this was going to be way easier, "I'm pregnant" I blurt out the real reason that I came here.

"That was a while ago, Lena." he gets on his feet and fidgets around his living space aimlessly. Nervous is the first word that comes to mind.

"Sadiq said I'm probably at the end of my first trimester judging by my symptoms" my eyes glance down at my stomach even though I'm hardly showing.

"Who's is it?" he asks.


He sighs, knowing full well that he's the only option.

"So are you going to come back home?", I feel tears swelling in my eyes. Between the pregnancy hormones and the uncertainty of the apocalypse, the thought of my child not having a father is overwhelming.

"Don't really have a choice now do I" he shrugs nonchalantly.

"If you don't want to be a father just say that, I don't want anyone in my life that doesn't want to be there" I stand to leave but he pulls me back in.

"I never said that." his hands touch mines for the first time in weeks.

"Then why are you being such a dick?"

Sadness radiates from him in a way I've never witnessed, "Lena, I've lost so many people in my life. Having yet another person to worry about is just one more heartbreak waiting to happen"

After the explanation, I completely understand why he's been so distant. "I love you, you're going to make an amazing dad. If any child is safe in this world, it would be yours" I wrap my arms around his neck and squeeze him tightly.

Suddenly he pushes his lips against mine. Our chemistry is like it was the night we made love. We weren't official but I've always had feelings for him.

"I'll pack my stuff, we need to get to Alexandria before sunset", he leaves my side.

I start to help him collect his belongings but he doesn't let me, "I got it. You're pregnant you don't need to be bending down." he takes the fishing pole out of my hand.

"I can still do stuff" I chuckle.

"Not with me around." Daryl's protectiveness comes through in the blink of an eye. It's the start of a new beginning for the Dixon family.

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