The New Girl Likes Daryl

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Casey is the newest Alexandrian. She was lucky to find such a welcoming community, before that she was on her own. Her whole family died early on, it's an absolute miracle that she was able to survive as long as she did. Being only 21, and not accustomed to being independent, life was hard but that's all behind her now. She has a new place to call home and new friends.

"Hey, you're Daryl right?", the woman's curls bounce in the wind as she sprints over to him.

"That's me", his eyes glance her up and down. He's seen the girl once before but they never had any dealings.

"I really need your help. There's a mouse in my room, could you get it for me?", her voice raises at the end of the question.

The humble man smiles and agrees, "That's my specialty, the mouses around here have been getting worse and worse"

Casey grabs him by the arms and pulls him to her house without a second to spare. As they make the short trip over, Daryl can't help but take a peek at her body. Her curvy hips sway side to side, putting him in a trance.

Once they enter her home, she takes him straight upstairs. "It's in here" she points at the closed door to her room.

He finally takes his eyes off her and focuses on the mission at hand, "do you have anything I can trap it in?"

A light bulb flickers in her mind, she runs into the bathroom and returns with a bucket. "This should work!" She hands him it.

"Okay, this should be quick", he slowly cracks open the doors and creeps in.

Casey watches from a safe distance. "He's so damn cute," she thinks to herself. After about fifteen minutes of the grown man chasing around the tiny mouse, he's able to capture it.

"Job done, " he stands with his foot over the upside-down bucket.

Seeing the sweat drip from his face is a turn on for the woman. Being the daring person that she is, she asks him on a date. "We should hang out later. People say I'm a really good time" she jokes.

"I love good times so sure, we could talk some more at dinner"

Casey could die from excitement, "that would be awesome" she smiles so hard her mouth hurts.

Daryl nods then return to the dilemma at hand. Carefully he scoops the mouse up and lifts the bucket.

The woman follows behind him to the outside where he releases the creature into nature. The two watch as it scurries into a bush.

"I have to handle business with Rick, I'll see you later" he spoils the moment.

The young woman is slightly disappointed but hides it. She waves him off and he jogs into the distance. As he gets further and further, she admires him until he's out of sight.

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