Carl Captures A Whisper Part 1

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My knees ache from the hours of hiding in the bushes. Sticks and stones dig into my skin. Alpha sent me to watch over Alexandria, they're the latest threat. My mission is to make sure they're not gearing up for war.

I swat a bug away from my face, watching their gates open and close. There has been way more movement than usual.

The serenity of the forest keeps me calm, hardly paying attention to my surroundings a hand grips my waist and turns me around.

"What are you doing? I've been watching you creep around here for days now" a teenage boy with long hair questions.

I take a step back instinctively but he doesn't let me get away. The boy restrains me. "Tell me. I know your one of alpha's people" he demands answers.

The whispers have a code of silence, no matter what we aren't supposed to speak of our mission. I put up so much of a fight that my mask gets ripped off. Physically I'm no match for him, he's able to pin me down.

An older woman with long grey hair notices the struggle and runs over, "You're one of those whisperer freaks aren't you?" her eyes are filled with anger and revenge.

I stare her down without words.

"Get her to the cell, I'm not letting her leave without getting some answers from her" the woman helps the teenage boy lift me.

The two strangers hold me by the arms tightly, with urgency they walk me up to the gates. All the townsfolk look at me with disgust, the walk of shame through their community is one of the most humiliating experiences I've ever had.

"I'm Carol, What's your name?", the woman asks me from the opposite side of the cell.

"I-I don't have one" I stutter. Alpha told us we don't have names anymore, we are animals.

She scoffs at me, "Save it, we've had another one of your people in here before. They spilled their guts, so I'm not buying this whole brainwashed act. Answer the question."

"Scarlett," I say in a low tone.

"How much do you know of alpha's plans?"

I hesitate for a moment but I talk myself into telling the truth. Right now my life is on the line. "My job was to keep an eye on your group. She didn't tell me why exactly"

Just as I finish my sentence a man with piercing blue eyes walks in, "She's just a kid, I doubt she knows any details" 

"Fuck that" Carol's face glows bright red. She enters the cell with a pocket knife in hand.

"You have five more seconds to tell me what Alpha's next move is" she threatens.

I can't help but be overwhelmed, I slide into the corner with tears streaming down my face. Through my blurred vision, I see the woman come towards me, I shriek at the top of my lungs.

"Carol! Stop" the man rushes to pull her away from me.

"No Rick, not after what that bitch did to Henry!" She pushes his hands off of her.

It all hits me, this resentment is a result of alphas' recent killing spree. I haven't seen it for myself but I've overheard people talking about heads being on pikes. Henry must be one of the victims.

"You need to take a break, go catch your breath for a few minutes. I don't like seeing you like this."

"Fine," Carol brushes past him.

Rick locks the cell on his way out, he glances at me sympathetically before following the furious woman.

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