Daddy Issues Part 3

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A couple of days have passed since the incident with Dwight. They avoided each other as much as possible. She decided he wasn't the man she should be with. What Simon said made her realize that Mark is a better option.

In no time, Meghan was back boyfriend hunting. She carefully formulated a plan to win Mark over, then waited until the right moment came.

The teenage girl's hips sway back and forth as she approaches the man fixing one of the damaged savior trucks. He was a mechanic before the apocalypse so Negan always gives him these assignments.

"Whatcha doing?" she taps him on the shoulder from behind.

Mark turns around to see the girl only inches from his face. "Changing the tires on your Dad's pick up" he wipes sweat from his forehead then resumes his work.

Meghan takes her flirting up a notch, "That's cool, I like cars" she pulls her shirt off to reveal a red bikini top under it.

Mark peeks at her from the corner of his eye as she climbs onto the hood. He can't help but laugh, "Whatever it is you're trying to do, it's not working."

"What do you mean? I'm just getting some sun and talking to you." she pretends to be tanning.

The man glances at her from head to toe, lust fills his mind. "You're distracting me,"

A huge grin appears on her lips, his attention validates her in ways she would never want to admit. The plan is unfolding perfectly until she spots Amber walking towards them with a sour look on her face. The girl isn't bothered, she thinks Mark is already becoming infatuated with her.

"Oh hey, Amber", Meghan waves but the happy energy isn't reciprocated.

The blonde's arms fold over her chest, "You two seem to be having fun."

Mark tries to seem oblivious, he keeps working without looking up.

"Yep, " the girl says with a carefree attitude.

Amber quickly thinks of a way to get rid of her, "I think your dad is looking for you Meghan" she attempts to fool her but it fails.

"He can wait, I'm hanging out with Mark.", she doesn't buy into it at all. It truly gives her satisfaction to see one of her father's wives so upset.

The angry woman's face turns from pale to red, "He's trying to get work down and you're in his way. You know how Negan gets if things aren't done by the end of the day."

Meghan turns to the man, "Mark am I bothering you?" she twirls a piece of hair between her fingers.

"Umm," he nervously hesitates.

Amber rudely interjects, "Yes you are. How's he supposed to fix it if you're laying on it? You could be making the problem worse"

The bratty teen hops off the truck, "I think you're the one with the problem".

She scoffs, "I don't know what you're talking about".

"I'd rather be a brat than a whore!" Meghan shouts at the top of her lungs.

Meanwhile, Mark can see where this is going and he doesn't want any parts in it. He walks away from the two screaming women. They're so furious that they don't even notice him leave.

"Whore? That's laughable. First, you tried to fuck Dwight and now you're going after Mark." Amber blurts the rumor that's been going around.

The girl's eyes widen, to say she is shocked would be an understatement.

"Yeah everyone knows about it" she continues to provoke her.

The disagreements escalate even further when Meghan gives a comeback just as harsh, "Do they know about you having an affair?".

"Shut your fucking mouth" Amber warns through clenched teeth.

"Make me," the teen shoves her and she nearly falls to the ground. She wobbles in her high heels but is able to regain balance.
Soon they are both going for each other's hair. They have a tug of war match since neither of them can throw a punch.

Jogging over to them is the person that is the root cause of all this drama. On Negan's face is a look of pure horror. He throws his arms around Meghan to pull her off his wife. "What's gotten into you two?" he scolds them.

They silently scowl at one another.

"Meghan where are your clothes?" he notices his daughter in nothing but a bikini and shorts. As a father, he's always been paranoid about her attracting the wrong type of attention.

"She attacked me, your daughter is crazy!" Amber plays the victim role, hoping that he would instantly side with her.

However, the teenage girl has the upper hand when it comes to her father, "Daddy I'm sorry, I heard she was cheating on you and I couldn't control myself" Meghan uses her manipulative innocent voice.

"T-That's not true" Amber stutters.

Negan can see her uneasiness and is immediately suspicious, "Meghan go to your room, I need to talk to my wife in private".

"Okay dad" she hugs him then hurries off. When she's far enough away, she looks back at them and laughs.

Her plan to seduce Mark may have not worked but in the end, she still won. He's definitely single now that Negan knows about the affair.

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