The New Alexandrian

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The strange woman stands before the council waiting to hear her fate. She was found by Judith and brought back to Alexandria. The young girl always helps people in need but not everyone is as generous.

"Let's start with your name", Gabriel folds his hands.

"Alexis", the woman in her thirties tells him with her head held high.

"Where did you come from?"

"Nowhere, I'm a traveler. I've never called one particular place home" she vaguely answers the question. Since the start of the apocalypse, she's been on her own but that's by choice.

Michonne stares her down, "Bullshit! you expect us to believe you've made it this long by yourself?" She can hardly cope with having this random woman in their community.

Alexis fights the urge to roll her eyes. "Well I wasn't entirely on my own, people have helped me along the way" she further explains.

"I'm going to give it to you straight, our community is at war right now and we can't trust outsiders." The woman sits back in her chair smugly.

"I understand that but I'm just looking for a place to stay for a couple of days. After being in the area for a while, I've come to like it."

All the members of the council share a moment of confusion. "Why go through this whole process if you don't even plan to stay?" Gabriel asks the stranger. He's more intrigued than suspicious.

"I have a lot to offer, I figured instead of keeping my talents to myself I should lend a hand to as many communities as I can in my travels." Alexis delivers her routine sales pitch.

"What are these talents?"

"I'm a great farmer and an experienced fighter. If you're lacking in these areas, I can spread my knowledge". The upcoming battle with the whispers makes her exactly the type of person Alexandria needs.

The council members discuss amongst each other, telling by their facial expressions many of them want to give her a chance. A similar sentiment is also shared by the wider community as a whole.

Michonne stands to her feet, "I'm not listening to this." she marches past her and towards the exit. A small gasp comes from the onlookers.

"Michonne!" Aaron tries to stop her.

"Go forward with the vote," she says before slamming the door behind herself.

Gabriel takes the lead, "All in favor of allowing Alexis entry?" he turns to his colleagues.

Simultaneously they all raise their hand, it puts a smile on Alexis's face despite knowing that one of them was against her. She figures that eventually, she'll prove her worth.

"That's a unanimous vote yes, Welcome to Alexandria" the one-armed man congratulates her. The decision is supported by most Alexandrians that see her as a valuable asset. Only time will tell if she's to be trusted.

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