Rick's Daughter meets Negan

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It's been two hours since the Saviors arrived in Alexandria. My dad made a crappy deal with Negan now we owe them half of our resources. The worst part of all is the invasion of privacy that comes along with it. They feel entitled to take whatever they want.

"Who the hell are you?" I yell at the man rummaging through the living room of my family's house.

"Shut up, you know the drill," he says without taking a moment to even glance at me. His focus is strictly directed toward wrecking the room.

"Whatever" I fold my arms in front of my chest and watch him spitefully. Everything inside of me boils as he walks past me and goes straight to the kitchen.

I deeply sigh but I follow after him so that I can keep an eye on him.

"Cool, a katana," he says as he picks the long blade up from the kitchen counter. My heart instantly skips a beat

"No, you can't have that" I run over and snatch it from his hands. It's a present Michonne gave me, it's special.

"Little girl give it back. You're making this harder than it has to be" he tries to grab me but I escape from him to the other side of the room.

You're right, I'm not gonna let you rip my family off this easily" I taunt him then kick him straight in the balls.

He doubles over in pain, grunting and swearing at me, "oh bitch, you're going to be fucking sorry for that"

Watching him clench at his crotch is hilarious but the best part is knowing he can't do anything back to me, "What, are you going to hit me?" I bend down to him.

His hands swipe to grab the katana, "give me this!" he attempts to take the weapon from me but I pull away.

"No, it's mine. If you want it you're gonna have to take it from me. So go ahead hit me so I can tell everybody how much of a pussy you are" I threaten with full confidence. The saviors aren't nearly as tough as they think they are.

It takes him a while but he finally recovers from the blow. To my surprise he's still an arrogant asshole, the kick didn't humble him at all. "Shit you got a mouth on you girl. Daddy ever teach you any manners?" his eyes gaze at me with pure anger.

I bet he expects me to back down, this man has no idea who he's dealing with. I step closer to him without fear, "you don't deserve manners, you're scum just like Negan!" I say with conviction.

The bitterness on his face is apparent, he clenches his teeth as he responds to me, "apologize or I'll hurt you so bad that you'll wish you never said anything to me"

"Fuck you" I spit in his face without a second thought. My goal was to disrespect him completely.

Like the animal he is, he grabs me by the hair, "you little fucking bitch" He screams into my ear as I struggle to get away from him.

The fight between us is loud, so much so that it draws attention. The front door opens and Negan observes the situation. He walks in on one of his saviors holding me down by the wrists.

He throws Lucille over his shoulder then orders the man off of me, "Woah Jeremy, you don't treat people like that unless they've done something to deserve it" he scolds him.

The man gives me a wicked look then stands up to explain himself, "the bitch spat on me!" he yells.

Negan rolls his eyes, "Really asshole? she's a teenage girl"

The man looks astonished by his reaction, "But Sir, she attacked me"

"I don't give a shit, look at her she's harmless. If she was giving you that much trouble maybe you should grow a pair of balls", Negan puts him in his place as I watch.

Neither of them are intimidating, not even Negan. I jump to my feet and interrupt their conversation with an opinion of my own, "you can't handle me either, I'm not afraid of you or your stupid bat!".

All eyes go on me, and the biggest smile I have ever seen appears on Negan's face, "oh now I see what we're dealing with. We've got a little brat on our hands" he says tightening his grip on his bat.

"brat? Is that the best you got? I thought you're supposed to be tough. Such a disappointment"

He chuckles at my insult, "You must be Rick's daughter. I've heard so much about you. You're just as kickass as they say"

I'm a little taken by surprise when he says this. I guess my reputation goes further than I thought. Well now that I know that, I might as well live up to that image, "You should know I've killed men before" I cross my arms.

He scans my body from top to bottom and licks his lips, "I bet you have. You're a bad girl aren't you?"

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