The Teenagers of Hilltop

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Chloe is fifteen, she and her mother were saved from a hoard of walkers by Ezekiel. Being the generous man he is, he invited them to Hilltop.

"This is Chloe, she's new to the community make her feel welcomed." The King introduces the young redhead to the group of teenagers then leaves them.
They all sit at the picnic table enjoying their lunch but all attention turns to the girl. Gage, the so-called leader of the pack grins. "Nice to meet you beautiful" he shakes her hand.

Chloe hides her cringe, she fears if she opens her mouth rude words would fall out.

Adeline, the girl with glasses can clearly see how uncomfortable she is. "Don't worry about him, the guys around here are weird" she guides her away from the group.

"Wait! We want to talk to her too!" the other boy named Rodney yells.

The two girls ignore them, Cleo follows her newfound friend to the basement of the mansion. What most adults don't know is that it's the teen's secret hang-out. When they want to engage in reckless activities they come here.

"This place is amazing," Chloe says, sitting on a beanbag.

"You think so? I've lived here since I was a child so it's normal to me"

The girl is reminded of her upbringing, it wasn't the best childhood. "We've been living like animals for years. In the beginning, we had a community but it wasn't anything like this"

The citizens of Hilltop have a privileged life, they didn't have to struggle as much as the average person during the apocalypse.

Interrupting the rather emotional moment, the boys barge in with beers in hand. "Look what we have!" Gage chugs the alcohol down.

Rodney passes one to both of the girls. Adeline's eyes light up and she willingly partakes in binge drinking. She's not the type of teen you would expect to have a wild side.
Chloe on the other hand sits the can down on the ground.

Gage won't stand for it at all, "come on, don't be a prude!" he pushes it back into her hand.

The redhead shifts awkwardly, she can smell the beer radiating from his mouth. He's already drunk which makes him even more confident. His fingers play with a strand of her hair.

Just in time, Henry struts down the stairs with a huge smile on his face. The boy had been in Alexandria for months before finally getting back to his friends.

Rodney and Adeline jump up to greet him but Gage is too busy hitting on his new crush. They share a drunken group hug then hand him a beer. 

Chloe gets a strange twinge in the pit of her stomach. She has never felt this way just at the sight of someone. Henry notices her and walks over, "Oh hey, haven't seen you around" he pulls a chair next to her.

"Today is my first day, I'm Chloe by the way" her green eyes glance over his handsome face.

Her interest in him is obvious, even Gage can see. He sighs knowing that she's yet another girlfriend prospect for Henry. He and Rodney never get a chance. The intoxicated boy waddles off, leaving them to get to know each other.

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