Chapter 41

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Regis trying to spare the Central Knights was definitely the honorable thing to do. It was also bothersome. I'm not saying I wouldn't have done the same thing. I would have. It just made things harder. M and I were currently rushing towards Regis's position while Takio and Tao took care of things from afar.

We found Regis surrounded by Central Knights. Takio rained bullets down on the them, not to kill but to maim, while Tao distracted them by talking over a loud speaker. I smirked as Takio landed on a black object. "Let me introduce myself," He spun his guns around. "NO. 2."

M shredded through several Central Knights. "NO. 4."

I knocked several Knights unconscious with my mind. "NO. 0."

Tao allowed his power to come forth. "No. 1 appears."

"Why are you?" Regis began.

Tao smiled. "We're here to help, No. 3."

"What?" Regis said, eyes swirling with emotions.

I didn't have time to listen to Tao and Regis's talk as I fought back-to-back with M. We broke apart to clear a path when Tao told us to. It wasn't hard, especially for me. This was child's play.

Once everything was clear, we headed back to the mansion, a place that had been my home for a long time. I stared at it for a moment, stopping in my tracks. M stopped with me. "Hey, NO. 0, are you okay?"

I smiled a bittersweet smile. "Yeah, it's just been so long since I've been home."


The first words out of Frankie's mouth were not what I thought they would be. "Rai-Lin, what are you doing in a suit?"

I blushed, feeling Raizel's eyes on me. "It's a long story, but for the record, it's Tao's fault."

"Hey!" Tao said indignantly.

Unfortunately for Tao, that sound brought the attention on him. Frankie began to chew them out much like I had. I was too busy staring at Raizel to listen. Our thoughts began to flow to each other. His voice sounded in my head. You look nice in the suit. I like it. Also, Raizel's Knights?

Like I said, it was Tao's idea. You know I can't say no to my little brothers.

Indeed, but I don't think it was a bad idea. He broke the connection, setting his tea down. He stood up. "It doesn't matter. We have plenty of rooms." He held his arm out to me, and I took it. We left the main area as Frankie told the others to rest.

We walked through a vast and brightly lit room. "This place...are you heading to the sanctuary?" Frankie asked.

"Yes, it's the full moon."

I knew it. The sanctuary was only accessible during a full moon. I knew Raizel was thinking the same thing I was. It was odd that this land was forbidden by the former Lord, and though I had known about it, I never asked him. He always had his reasons. He had his reasons for this, too, I was sure.

We stopped before an intricately carved door. Raizel's power flowed from his fingertips, opening the door. Immense power immediately flooded us, power I hadn't felt since the former Lord passed. My eyes widened as did Frankie's. "Why is this here?" he began. "The sword, which humans regard as the end of the world because of the fear toward it. Lord's soul weapon..."

"Ragnarök," I breathed.

Raizel's eyes were sad. "Lord left behind something very troublesome."

Frankie and Raizel were conversing, but I couldn't hear them. I was too busy being assaulted by images of the former Lord. I could see him placing this here, that sly smile on his face. I choked back tears. I knew Rayga had split his soul weapon in half, but the Lord? Even I had not been informed of this. Lord must have not wanted me to bear the thoughts of Raizel. A stray tear slipped down my cheek.

I felt Raizel leave my side to grab the sword. When he did, the former Lord appeared, and I resisted the urge to sob. I fought back my tears as he spoke, but as soon as he said, "Do tell Rai-Lin that I'm sorry I didn't tell her about this, but I thought it would be better if she wasn't reminded of you at the time. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, I am glad you are safe." I lost it. Completely lost it. I just missed them so damn much.

Frankie put his hand on my shoulder. I turned and sobbed into his chest. He held me close to him before I was shifted, and I was in Raizel's arms. "Rai-Lin, my love, be strong. They would not want to see you like this."

I pulled back, wiping away my tears. "Of course, you are right," I smoothed down my suit, sniffing as I did so. "We have work to do."

We emerged from the sanctuary and headed back to where I could feel Regis's and my little brothers' energies. They were talking about Raizel's Knights, though when asked about it, Tao brushed it off as a club. If only he realized that Raizel knew. Tao would probably faint on the spot. I let out a watery laugh.

Takio glanced over at me, taking in my blotchy face and red eyes. "Big sister, are you okay?"

"I could use a hug," I admitted. Instantly, I was engulfed in a little brother plus Regis hug, though I was pretty sure Tao had pulled Regis into it against his will. I smiled, feeling my heart heal a little bit. The Lord and Rayga wouldn't want me to be unhappy because of them. They'd want me to be strong. And strong I was going to be.

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