Chapter 8

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'Italics' : thoughts


The school was louder than usual the next day. Everyone was talking about this hospital incident. I stood beside Raziel as the children and him watched what was going on. My eyes were on the ground. How could I look at anyone when I could have stopped the attack from happening? Raziel’s hand brushed mine in a silent show of support.

I finally look up as Ikhan started speaking. “Shinwu…It’s obvious that…”

“Yeah,” I’m guessing it’s the same guys.” Shinwu’s voice was sad and a little guilty.

Yuna looked distressed, so I placed a hand on her shoulder. She managed a weak smile. “Stay strong,” I whispered, though it was more for myself than her.

Ikhan pushed his glasses up, something he did frequently. “They seemed a little odd. At first, they kidnapped Yuna, so I assumed that had anything to do with the murder a while ago. But they backed off too easily. I don’t think they are just ordinary people. They acted as if they were going to kill us anytime, but they disappeared as if nothing was going on. But a case like this happens…It can’t be a coincidence. They must be the ones to do it.”

Ikhan was smart, maybe too smart. I didn’t want him to find out about our world. Not now. Not ever. They needed to be kept innocent.

Shinwu gritted his teeth. “Damn, what the hell is going on nowadays?”

More than he knew. The world was going to hell around us, and I didn’t know how much longer I could sit by and watch. I must have projected again because Raziel looked at me. ‘Soon.’ I nodded.

The teacher entered then. He stood at the podium and began to speak. I paid little attention. Frankie had already told me the school would be closing until everything was resolved. It was a good thing, too. Less of a chance the school would be attacked,

As we filed out of the classroom, Frankie walked up to us. He caught my eye, and I saw the question he was asking. I opened a channel between our minds. ‘I’m fine, Frankie. Don’t you worry.”

‘You’re my little sister. It’s my job to worry.’ I smiled slightly at his response. He always did look out for me.

Frankie returned his gaze to the kids. “If you all don’t mind, I would like it very much if you would visit my house today. There is something I’d like to discuss with you all.” The children nodded their consent.

We didn’t live far from the school, so the walk was short. The kids talked amongst themselves, while I kept my arm looped through Raziel’s. My extremity was completely healed. Raziel rubbed his hand up and down it absently.

Once we entered the house, everyone but me sat down. I didn’t like sitting, not when there was a threat out there. I wanted to do something, to fight. Too bad Raziel was keeping me from hunting those monsters down.

“You may all know why I asked you to meet me here,” My brother began. “We don’t know if the men you encountered are responsible for the incident, but they are probably responsible, so three of you have to be extra careful. Yuna’s and Ikhan’s houses appear to be safe. But Shinwu, you should stay at Ikhan’s place for now for your own safety.”

“My brother is right. These men are dangerous, especially since they countered my attacks. Be careful,” I stared at each of the children in turn. “I’d hate if one of you got hurt.”
Once the kids had filed out, I turned to Raziel, who was staring out the window. “I need to hunt them down. You know I am capable. They may be modified, but I’ve been killing longer than them. They will be easy prey.”

“Rai-Lin,” Raziel sighed.

“No,” I said. “This was a ruthless attack. They don’t care who they kill. That means none of the students are safe. I won’t risk an attack on them.”

“Rai-Lin,” Raziel said again. I stopped. “You are right. I will move first.”

“Don’t think you are doing this alone. I stand by your side regardless of danger.” I moved over to his side.

He glanced down at me, a half smile on his lips. “I expect nothing less.”

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