Chapter 34

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“Please clear the room, everyone,” Frankie ordered. “My sister and I need to talk to this old, picky man for a bit.” Everyone cleared out.

I smirked a bit at Gechutel’s shocked expression. “What? Did you really think Frankenstein wouldn’t be here?”

“I should have known,” he allowed.

“I thought I’d see you soon because of those kids, but I never expected it to be this soon,” Frankie drew the attention back to him.

“But why are you here? Are you with Regis and Seira?” Gechutel’s expression was severe.

“You should be careful what you say, Gechutel,” I warned. “Frankie has a bit of a temper as you remember.”

Gechutel let it drop, knowing that Frankie wasn’t the only one with a temper. “Are you two still looking?” Gechutel asked.

“Nope,” we said in unison.

“Frankenstein, did you end up abandoning your Master? And Rai-Lin, you gave up on your love.”

I lunged forward to be caught by Frankie. “I won’t ever give up on Raizel, you stupid noble.”

Frankie pulled me back to his side. “Hey, I think there’s a bit of a misunderstanding here. I stopped searching for my Master because I don’t have to anymore.”

Gechutel’s eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

I was still struggling against Frankie when Raizel walked up to stand beside me. He placed a hand on my shoulder. “Calm down, Rai-Lin.”

I stopped struggling, going limp in my brother’s arms. “Can I release you now?” Frankie asked.

“I may still want to punch him, but I will restrain for Raizel sake.” The arms around me retracted. I stood on my own, smoothing out my shirt.

“It’s been a while, Gechutel K. Landegre,” Raziel greeted.

“It sure had been, Cadis Etrama di Raizel. The genuine noblesse.” Gechutel closed his eyes in reverence.

“Why can’t he treat me like that?” I complained. “I just get insulted.”

“It’s because he can’t handle your mouth,” Frankie said with a sly smile. It vanished when Raizel sent us a look. I pouted.


I was starting to get really tired of tea. It seemed to be the only thing Raizel would drink. He had a cup in front of him now as I lounged beside him on the couch, the epitome of relaxation. The three males had been talking for a while now about Raizel and the collapse of the Loyard family. The loss of the lives of so many nobles was heartbreaking. I hadn’t been there when it happened. My friends had just passed into eternal sleep, so after making sure my charges were taking care of, I left. I returned as soon as I had heard the news.

Frankie turned to me after the passing of the former Lord into eternal sleep was revealed. “Rai-Lin, did you know this?”

I lowered my head. “I did.”

“Why did you not tell us?”

Tears filled my eyes. “Because my friends were gone, and it was too much for me to bear. I did not want you all to go through that any sooner than you had to.” I sniffed, remembering the time when I had been as happy as I was now.


I slapped Gechutel at dinner. He continued to insult my little brothers, forcing them to leave the room. “Wait,” I called. They stopped. “I have one thing I need to do before I join you, and I want you to see it,” With that, I reached across the table and slapped Gechutel with a great deal of power. His head whipped to the side. “Don’t insult my little brothers just for your own game, you cold hearted bastard.”

Gechutel held out his arms to keep Regis and Seira from attacking me. His head slowly turned to face me. His eyes were sad. “You’ve changed, Cadis Etrama Di Rai-Lin. What happened?”

“I learned to protect what I cared about.” I whirled around and stalked out of the room, conscious of Raizel’s eyes following me.

Takio caught up to me quickly. “You didn’t have to do that for us.”

“Of course, I did,” I said sharply. “You’re my little brothers. It’s my job to stand up for you and protect you.”

Takio bowed his head. “Thank you.”

“It’s what I do.”


Watching Gechutel make a fool of himself in front of my entire class was hilarious, even if it was at teacher’s expense. I laughed the loudest, which caused Gechutel to glower at me. I shrugged innocently. “Am I not allowed to laugh?” I asked. Raizel put his hand on mine in a silent plea for restraint. I huffed at Gechutel. “You’re lucky Raizel likes you.”

“And you are lucky the former lord liked you,” Gechutel spat back.

I flinched. “Mention him around me again, and you’ll have a fight on your hands. You’d be surprised by how much better I’ve gotten.”

Gechutel frowned as though the statement disturbed him. “Perhaps, I should test your powers out.”

“Perhaps you should.”

“Rai-Lin, Gechutel, neither one of you will fight the other.” Raizel finally looked away from the window to stare at us.

I inclined my head to my love. “I will do my best to restrain myself, my love, but Gechutel must make the effort to do the same.”

Gechutel lowered his eyes. “I will, of course, restrain myself.”

Raizel nodded before turning back to the window.

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