The Whimper Oneshot and Apology

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Heyo, everyone! So, I'd like to start off this section with an apology. I just realized that I had been spelling Raizel's name wrong for a long time. I knew it wasn't Raziel, but for some reason when I type, it comes out Raziel. I'm gonna blame it on autocorrect, though it is probably just my brain not being used to the spelling of Raizel. I will do my best to correct this in the future, but I have a lot of this story already written. I will probably miss a few corrections, assuming my brain doesn't fail me completely and I forget to change his name in editing. Anyway, I am sorry, and I appreciate all the love you all have shown for this story, especially with me spelling character names wrong. 

I'd also like to say that this is a oneshot I randomly thought up one day, and has nothing to do with this story. If you like it, however, please vote or comment. I would love if you had any oneshot ideas to comment them. I might make a oneshot book if enough people show interest and I have time. 

Again, I am so sorry that I messed up Raizel's name, and thank you all. Now, on with the oneshot. 

The Whimper

A whimper came out of the darkness. Tao, Takio, and M-21 froze at the sound. They were on their way home from an uneventful shift at the high school and were eager to eat dinner. As the whimper sounded again, they knew that dinner would have to be postponed. Looking among themselves, they made towards the noise.

M-21 was in the lead, his fingernails turned into claws. Tao was behind him, and Takio was last with a gun in his hand. The whimpering was getting louder. They could tell now that the whimper was filled with pain, not fear. They sped up their steps.

There, crouched low beside a building, was a teenage girl. She couldn't have been more than 14. Her right arm was bent at an awkward angle, and M-21 recognized immediately that it was broke. Her black hair hung down in greasy ropes, obscuring her face.

She must have heard their footsteps because she tensed, slowly raising her head. Behind him, M-21 heard Tao gasp. Her face was a canvas of bruises and cuts, dried blood matting her hairline. Her dark blue eyes were fixed on M-21's claws. With a pained grunt, she stood up with surprising grace for someone who looked as bad as she did.

Her gaze burned with hatred as it moved from M-21's now retracted claws to his face. She smiled a grotesque smile, showing blood on her teeth. A shiver went down M-21's spine at the sight. "You're going to have to kill me," she said pleasantly.

Takio and Tao came up to M-21's side, tense and ready to defend. "And why is that?" M-21 asked. He, too, was ready for an attack at any moment.

"Because I will not go with you. I don't care what deal my parents and the Union made," she said, and Takio sucked in a breath. "I refuse to be made an experiment. I've already killed two of your men. I don't mind killing a few more." A knife slipped into her left palm.

"Wait," Tao called. She turned her head slightly to face him. "We aren't from the Union."

A humorless chuckled sounded from her before she winced in pain. "I will not fall for your lies. I saw the claws. No one but the Union could give you those." Her eyes flicked back to M-21.

"You're right," M-21 said. He let his claws out and the girl flung her knife right at M-21's heart. He barely managed to move out of the way in time for the knife to miss his heart and hit his shoulder.

His eyes widened in shock as blood began to seep from the wound. The girl's throw had been a blur. Yes, she had the advantage of surprise, but even then...Her throw had been inhuman.

Takio and Tao made to rush the girl, who had another knife in hand. "Stop," M-21 ground out. Everyone froze, even the girl, who seemed to realize she was at a disadvantage since she had missed his heart.

M-21 looked at the girl evenly. "You didn't let me finish. I was experimented on by the Union, but it wasn't my choice. The same goes for my comrades here. Something tells me that you've undergone experimentation, too. No ordinary human can throw knives that fast."

Her grip on her knife tightened. "What cause do I have to believe you?"

"Absolutely none."

The girl looked at the three of them, assessing, weighing the odds. Her grip on her knife loosened ever so slightly. "You're smart," she said at last. "I was experimented on, but only once. My parents made a deal with the Union. Me in exchange for unimaginable wealth. I was allowed to go home after the first experiment to see if I survived and how I progressed. When they came to get me for the second experiment earlier today, I fought back. The first experiment was torture enough. I didn't want to imagine the second."

Her eyes darkened. "They'll find me soon enough, but I won't be going with them. I imagine I'll die taking them out."

M-21 exchanged a look with Tao and Takio. They both nodded. "You don't have to do any of that." M-21 took a step towards her.

Her grip tightened on her knife again. "What do I do then? Let them take me? Like that will happen."

He shook his head. "You can come with us. We have a house nearby that we share with several others. I'm sure they wouldn't mind one more."

"You would be killed if they found out I was with you. You want to take that chance?" She tilted her head to the side as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

M-21 smirked. "I'd like to see them try to kill us. It wouldn't end well for them."

She drew in a deep breath only to whimper again and press a hand to her ribcage. She hunched in on herself. Seeing their concerned looks, she waved them off. "I'm fine," After her bout of pain had passed, she straightened back up. "Well, Mister, I'll go with you, but if you do anything to make me feel threatened, I will put a knife into your throat, and this time, I won't miss."

A small smiled graced M-21's face. "I don't doubt it."

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