Chapter 3

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Italics: Thoughts

The streets weren’t crowded as we walked home from school. It was to be expected with a murderer running around. I stuck close to Raziel’s side, keeping my hand on his arm. It wasn’t because I was scared for myself but for him. I did not know what his power would be like after being asleep for so long. I had to protect him for both our sakes.

My eyes scanned our surrounding as Ikhan whined beside me. Normally, I would have been annoyed. Instead, the students stirred something inside me, something I hadn’t felt since I had watched over them. My heart ached. I would have to visit them soon even if I couldn’t show myself to them.

“Ouch, my neck still hurts,” Ikhan whined.

“Be grateful with the headlock. ‘If so Shinwu is the killer.’? Are you like a high school detective, Wu, or what?” Shinwu said, looking at Ikhan without sympathy.

“Still, you could have gone easy on me…Hm…”

Yuna seemed to tire of the bickering because she said, “Thank you all for walking me home.”

“Not at all. We live in the same neighborhood anyway.” Ikhan pushed up his glasses.

“Right, the chairman lives nearby us, so Rai and Lin can tag along. Right, guys?” Shinwu scratched his head.

Raziel nodded, and I smiled to myself. It warmed my heart to see him interact with these students. After all, all I ever wanted for him was a normal life, something that seemed impossible.

“You really think the man is the killer?” Ikhan asked.

“No way.” Shinwu shook his head.

I wouldn’t be so sure, Shinwu. I thought. After what I had seen in Raziel’s mind, I was almost positive that being was the killer. I set my jaw. No way was that thing getting near my Raziel. I would kill it first. I would protect Raziel to my last breath.

You know I can protect myself. I started as Raziel’s voice echoed through my head, You were projecting.

Just because you can protect yourself, doesn’t mean you should. Using my powers takes much less of a toll on me. You know what will happen if you use too much power.

Raziel looked at the students with gentleness in his gaze. To protect is what I meant to do. I will protect these children, even if it means giving my life to do so.

My heart gave a painful lurch. It won’t come to that. I will tear apart anything that dares come near them or you. He hummed in acknowledgement.

“But if that man from yesterday was the killer…” Yuna was saying. “Then, the victim would have…been…”

I broke away from Raziel to place a hand on Yuna’s arm. I looked her in the eye. “You cannot focus on that. You must focus on the fact you are alive, and you are alive for a reason. Besides, we don’t know if that man is the killer. There is no use dwelling on what could be.” I gave her a smile before gravitating back towards Raziel.

“Okay then, everybody let’s head to the internet,” Shinwu shouted. He put a finger to his chin in a thinking motion. “It’s still early. An hour won’t hurt, right?”

“Oh, my, Shinwu. I don’t know what to say.” Ikhan said.

A smile tugged at my lips as the students began a playful battle of words. It only grew as I noticed Raziel watching them with some light in his eyes.

Sitting in front of a computer was not my idea of fun; however, the students seemed to think it was the greatest thing ever, so I let them drag Raziel and me along. Unfortunately for Raziel, he had never seen a computer before, let alone used one. He just sat there, staring at the black monitor.

Yuna glanced over at him. “Why won’t Rai turn on his computer?”

“Oh, he only watched us play last time, too,” Ikhan said.

“Really? Then, he should play this time.”

Raziel? I asked. Would you like me to help you before the kids have a fit?


I stood up, much less sore than I had been earlier, and turned on Raziel’s computer. I glanced at the others with a glare that said not a word. I let the computer boot up before explaining everything to Raziel, even though I knew he wouldn’t play, not really. He hated killing, and a game based on it would not be his favorite thing. Plus, he had no idea how to play.

Shinwu walked up to us. “Hey, let’s get started. I’ll teach Rai in the actual game one on one.”

I started to protest, knowing Shinwu would decimate Raziel, but my love put his hand on mine. I bowed my head to him before moving aside. Ikhan attempted to protest as well only to be shot down by an adamant Shinwu.

Shinwu was ruthless, killing Raziel every chance he got. I managed to restrain myself until Shinwu opened his mouth. I stood up, my voice tight and controlled. “That’s enough. I think it is time that you and I go one on one.” I knew enough about computers to be confident in my abilities.

Shinwu looked up at me with apprehension but nodded. I sat back down at my computer. My face was stone.

I destroyed Shinwu worse than he destroyed Raziel. I was thankful for years of leaning how to use computers. In the end, Shinwu was red faced, while Ikhan and Yuna stared at me with wide eyes. Raziel barely turned his head to look at me. Did you have to beat him quite so badly?

It’s no worse than what he did to you. I glared at Shinwu, who glared back.

Please, Rai-Lin, be nice.

I sighed, softening my gaze. “I am sorry, Shinwu. I get overprotective sometimes.”

He didn’t seem to accept my apology at first. Then, Yuna turned her gaze on him. He smiled. “I understand. I was taking it too far as well.”

“Now that we are all friends again, we should head out before it gets too late,” Ikhan said. I agreed.

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